hunter gathers

You're engaging in self-harm. Please don't fucking do that.

You're very kind. Thank you.

I gave it up before it became a habit. My hands are not clean, and never will be. I was a Hired Goon when I was young and stupid and needed money. Then I left the Army.

Do you have to be a holier-than-thou dick right now or do you just generally enjoy it?

Oh, that's helpful!

Well, then they're would be no ending of killing.
Which is pretty much a constant.
That I've never been happy about.
But I don't see it stopping.
I'm involuntarily writing Bad Religion lyrics in response to a tragedy. The last time I did that was You Know When. That doesn't bode well at all.

I can, and it's fucking Nazi-Flavored.

Basement. Go low. Now.

Well, it's the way people fucking are.

No, it's not that big. It can be stopped. But they will have to kill quite a few people, which is horrid.

I'm not any happier than you are about that, and I never have been, really.

I do think things are going to take a rightward turn, which saddens me.

No. It can always get worse.


Obviously not. She'd have had to have burned her as a heretic.

They were more like waterworks, but don't drink that. You don't know where it's been.

No, that's by Southern Culture On The Skids and is much better music.


12. You're being generous because you're a good person.

Yep, he's still a dumb motherfucker. Like I needed to check.