hunter gathers

We've broken those people before. WE ARE LEGION!
…and also bring The Funny.

Fuck you people, that's funny.
EDIT: Well, no shit, Ben! Who wants to make two trips?

I deeply agree with this sentiment, except replace "psychopath" with "sociopath," which is usually what people mean.

Plumber's Crack is a hell of a drug!

IT'S A CONSPIRACY is on third base.

Faygo and broken glass all over the fucking place!

Native American, please!

I did. Then I thought longingly of abortion for a good five minutes.

Britain is actually a rather large island, geographically. I'm a Yank and speaking as a Geography teacher; don't shoot!

Minge drinking. Terrible, frightening thing, that.

Unless they have ghastly half-assed Dutch accents accompanied by tear gas and rubber buckshot.

Because it's in a cage? Shit. Wait, I had something for this…

I cain't hear you for t'sound of my teeth a'fallin' out my mouth!

Shrimp-skin coats, Shrimp-based religion…

Hey, reality is just not frightening enough for us humans. We have to make things up to be afraid of, too!

Jesus wept.

Politicians from opposing parties who sit down and talk with each other like civilized human beings? What a country!

They're YUGE!

From what I've read, Trump has shot himself in the dick with this one. We'll see how it plays out.

Primogeniture. Bald Billy gets it.