hunter gathers

Happy Birthday!

I don't know if I provide my nieces with entertainment or horrified fascination.

Cornish Portuguese West Africa?
I've got nothing.

First time in the TOC that I got all four. "Water Music" almost threw me, but I got a Handel on it.
I'll show myself out.

Good to know. I'll check it out.

What a shame it was unwashed ass.

"To the Station!"

That's because he's a much beter actor with a larger range than she has.
He's pretty, but he's actually got some chops with a good script and good direction.

Or she just keeps fucking that chicken in a Visually Stunning manner.

It's just not very good. Even Winnona, whom I adore, is not very good.

Thick as pig-shit, but loaded.

[Probably the cinematographers]

Except for the alarming need to kidnap a child from every culture she briefly encounters, YES.

She's DUMB. She thinks in pictures, not words, and is probably right next door to functionally illiterate thanks to Hollywood Tutoring.

Fucking terrible movie, cute short hair-cut on her.

No, it's not weird, because most actors are stupid. Not all. Most.

Really pretty loony? Yep; that'd be her.

Oh, for fuck's sake!

Look, she's just not too god damned bright, but she is really pushy and rich and her Dad still knows people who don't hate him, for some reason, but she's gotten to the age where the striking angles have gone all funhouse-mirror, German-Expressionist on her and she's just weird-looking.

I have, too, and you're right. But that's really the only criterion critics have to go on: I've seen more of this than you. There are no such things as objective statements in the evaluation of artworks.