hunter gathers

I remembered the actress, who is quite pretty, but not very talented.

Quite a buzz was created about it, and it felt begrudgingly given, like "Okay, fine, whatever! I'll push it a little bit!" There was arm-twisting going on.

Christ, that's a wildly-overrated NYC-centric turd of a show. Not because it focuses on young women; because it's BAD. Badly written, badly acted, badly shot, badly edited. You name it, it's terrible.

40+ people usually have more money to spend. It's assumed they all don't like change. Flawed Model.

Jarheads is Jarheads.

Oh, drop that Oswald Spengler horseshit! "Civilization" is about as good as it's going to get in developed countries until a major technological shift, like cold fusion. People are always going to be arseholes, and always have been. That's the problem.

No, you have to have experienced a lot of it. You need something to base your opinions on. Apart from that and being able to articulate your opinion in a way that large numbers of people understand and respond to (which is the really fucking hard part), you're fine. Not everyone can do it.

That's some nice shootin', Flag.

I'd have to be on smack or take Soma to watch either without blinding myself.

Shocking! I mean that. Stop it.


Old Warner Bothers Cartoon Lenny 'tard joke reference, because I am a relic from a much crueler age.

"You forgot to breathe, again, stupid!" ;-)

It brings on many changes!

Like any studio was going to pass that up!

He's just gonna hurt you, real bad. What more do you want?

Nope. That's pretty super-villainey, still.

Clearly to distinguish him from the Big- and Average-Sized- Scotty Hamiltons everyone knew.

No state has legalized Soma, yet.

Well, shucky-darn. [scuffs foot]