hunter gathers

"Such a Smite you're going to get!"

You're Soaking In It! (tm)
It's just not planned or masterminded.
Nope. Ordinary human greed and short-sightedness, mostly. :-(

This sounds promising!

He did Eqqus. He's done more than hold horses.

It's "t'other." Get it right.

Straight out of the Clydesdale and onto the truck.

And flavor!

That was a salmonella outbreak just waiting to happen.

"God is a Kidder! He kids!"

"Always with the questions, Thomas! Just do what I said, okay?"

Taken down in shame. I'm sorry.

"OH! WOW! Hey, I just remember what I was going to tell you!"

Or he could have just said "How Much?! FUCK, YES!" Which is perfectly all right, because The Road can grind you very fine indeed. He was as good as he could be, the show was a dog and that's the network's fault. But it had his name on it, so he gets stuck with the stank.

The key to that bit is the Delta employees coerced him in to admitting he was a little fat girl. And the explained joke lies dead on the floor in front of us…
I have looked a Delta employee right in the eyes and said "Give me back all my motherfucking money right fucking now! I'm going to book a flight on a REAL

AKA Batman.

It's The Ghost Of Scrotum Future! Whoooo…

I don't have to listen to this sort of filthy talk!

That pee really pulls the room together, Ankai!

You're trying to pull me, aren't you?

Sounds like my parents. :-)