hunter gathers

"No, she went of her own free will." [Ancient P. G. Wodehouse Joke]

I do like Mexican Coke con azucar when I need to wake up fast. I had to give up the coffee because of my stomach and HBP.

Take it easy, Quimby.

Remember to have the lasagna!

Good on you, darlin'! Keep it up! Diet Pepsi, because it has kola and citrus flavors and isn't so syrupy sweet you choke on it. I have phlegm issues. ;-)

You left out the White Jeff Boy! Good!

I usually re-read that in December, when I get a hankering for Old Man's Boots With Mud. ;-)

I just gave up on Seveneyes a week after it came out. It was just shockingly bad to me and put me off in almost every way possible.

Damned good book on The Dust Bowl.

"I saw something nasty in the woodshed!" I've only seen the film, but I'm engorged with love for it. ;-)

Beginning a re-read of S. M. Stirling's Nantucket Trilogy with Islands In The Sea Of Time. Not a collection of filthy limericks, but the precursor to the Change Series.

You can really taste the bundle of wood and the axe!

Dude, "Occidental" is not the preferred nomenclature. "European,"

Dear God, what have you people done?!

Oh, I know what I'm picking up after I drop Supergirl in the Cancelation League!

They make pills for that, now.

Did he offer you money to forget it again?

You doubled down, there.

[both experience existential despair]

Holy shit, they're bringing back Fast Animals, Slow Children!