hunter gathers

The H-Dog RIP. Knowledge to knowledge.

[Gives gap-toothed grin, continues pushing dust mop]


I 'ave very acute 'earing. [Yellowbeard]

Thank you.

It's The Ghost Of Scrotum Future!

The Mutually Inexplicable Anglophone Games are a fraught topic and it's best to stear clear of them. I don't know what a Sticky Wicket is, and I don't WANT to know, but it sounds like something that happens at a private boarding school.

Ye ken nowt about it! [Thank you, James Herriot]

Ooh! Garden Weasel (tm)!

"Hey, Lois, I'm back with the two symbols of the Republican Party: an elephant and a middle-aged white guy who's afraid of change!"

Well, we gave it the old college try…

Well, I don't appreciate being compared to Nazi soldiers! ;-)

They were, and they looked and acted like Protocols of the Elders of Zion Jews, which I found deeply disturbing and Nazi-flavored. I think it's also Arabic for "Franks", came from the Crusades, and is a synonym for evil foreigner.

You forgot Peckerwood and Mister Charlie.

Honkey, please!

Did I just hear a dog whistle? I could have sworn I heard a dog whistle.

Why, it's a Christmas tradition in my family. We use it to make a drink called the Don't Tell Me What To Do! It's a glass of Cold Duck followed by several to many glasses of Cold Duck.

I've taught quite a few Aspies, and the do tend to lock on ideas like that.

Is it Wednesday already?

Well, they would kill them, but the wouldn't eat them.