hunter gathers

Cheers. We should all learn something new every day.

Nope. PEOPLE are evil because people have sentience, agency and will. The internet is merely a medium.

Since that happened 30 years ago, shall I take it that you take your pronouncements seriously? If so, we are enemies, and I've been here longer. On the plus side, you are intensely tedious and orotund in your statements, and almost certainly wrong every time. I suspect you of being a fascist-flavored person.

Then why are the evil people all like "Why are you stabbing me/ shooting me/ blowing me up/ setting me on fire?" Because I'm frankly sick of their bitching.


FINALLY! It took FOREVER! He still turned out more of an ape, though.

Take it easy, Francis.

That's just crazy talk!

I'm perfectly familiar with Sweet Fanny Adams, Mr. Forsythe. ;-)

Can I ask you why your estranged daughter dropped out of college?

As several women, you should feel doubly or even more stereotyped and demeaned. ;-)


She's losing money with OWN, from what I hear. Could be an elaborate tax dodge, I don't know. But she's not on every god damned day when I get home from work, and for that I'm profoundly grateful.

You look like the Piss Boy!

[He was the Foreign Minister who pushed Louis XVI to back the Americans to fuck with the British and damn the cost]

Something to do with sexually dissatisfied ewes, probably.

Dude, you are right up there with Nihilist Arby's in pseudo-profound, gnomic bullshit. If you aren't French, you should consider emigrating.
This stuff could get you laid and land you a cushy job, there. ;-)

…The Bitching Rush-Inspired Painting On The Side!

He still owes me money.

It's pronounced "My Fanny." Welsh, I believe, from the excessively stupid spelling.