hunter gathers

Pure compulsion. You just can't stop yourself.
Let's try this one: Bangkok.

I have to wait until Friday, damn it!

Nipsey Russell! The Poet Laureate!

It's called being Clavined.

Marc didn't get on because he's a stand-up with little to no acting ability.
That is a truth the man should understand, accept and move on about.
He's a monologue guy, not a sketch guy and never an improv guy. He doesn't trust or like anyone else that much, which is fine, but his control issues make him a solo

Well, not really. They're almost always wrong.

She's just… so… damned… WHOLESOME. Just looking at her feels like it's good for you. I've made a disastrous CL pick with this. I need to find a dog that doesn't go tits-up before December 6th!

"Stay the Hell away from my daughter, Dan! I've always wanted to say that!"

Well, you could always go watch some lacrosse, you prep school pussy! Why not throw in some Fencing, while you're at it! ;-)

Because it DIDN'T EXIST until the ratification of the U. S. Constitution in 1788!

Supergirl. I just got kicked in the nuts for Cancelation League. Can't… breathe…

Yer fergetin' Slingblade, erherm…

The guy doesn't know shit. Bigfeet are how the porn got into the woods. It's what they do, man!

[Turns off all electronic devices, unplugs landline phone, sits down in a comfy chair with a good book].

Try the Episcopalians/Church of England. Actually believing anything is somewhat frowned upon, as it has led to trouble in the past. ;-)

Happy birthday and get well soon! See if you can get a doctor to set you up with some amusing cough syrup.

Well-done people keep steak sauce makers in business. A quarter of a bottle of the stuff is the only way to get that immolated slab of ruined meat down your throat.

I'll get right on it, Chief! [Between you and me, Boss, O'Malley may have taken a dive. He owes people money. Serious people. Serious money.]

I'm a Social Democrat who despises Karl Marx and all of his adherents. If you still are one, you're a fucking fool, a potential murderous tyrant or both. Check your shoes to see if they are loafers.

Like, kneecap them? I'd watch that. Hell, I'd do that!