hunter gathers

I call it Jack Reach-Around, for obvious reasons.

It was like Sam Kinison's History Professor in Back to School! "SAY IT! COME ON, SAY IT!"
[This technique can be successful in history teaching, sometimes]
{At other times, students burst into tears and/or soil themselves}

Is your Stride Mother at home? Can I talk to her, please? Thank you!

CSI:CYBER at 0.7?

Which is why being a historian can be such pervy fun. ;-)
Though I do worry for the future of the profession because of the ephemeral and immaterial nature of electronic correspondence.

Watching a scab form would be fascinating in comparison.

I didn't watch it because I haven't for twenty years and I'm certainly not starting again just to see a bloviating assclown I've already seen too much of engage in lowjinks with this pack of talentless non-entities.

Wise words, entirely applicable in everyday life. Enormous laziness is another equally likely explanation.

I'd say it was a formal agreement signed with four of Trump's attorneys and a notary public present.

You know who beheading works on other than vampires?

Both of those are excellent!

I'm sorry to hear about the sinus infection, ewigg. They suck. I've already fought off one and it put me so behind I had to spend all of Halloween weekend grading. I hope you feel better soon.
I'll get another one when the leaf mold starts spawning. Oh, lordy, it's a-comin'!

I needed to be half as long. As it is, it just beats you over the head saying "Do you get it? Do you get it?"

All the really talented and decent people from UFA had the sense to fuck off to Hollywood and get away from the Nazis.

This really should have gone in the entertainment you're embarrassed to admit frightens you comments, but The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu still get to me every time. It's something about the Exprssionist sets and the lighting effects. I love watching them both, though.
Metropolis is visually interesting, but

Bon Chance!

That's an 80% and that is bullshit. Tear someone a new asshole, Dan!

It's fucking fantastic. Cathy Bates is a force of nature, and Jennifer Jason Leigh as her damaged, depressive daughter is wonderful.

He's brilliant with that. If it's not there, you know you're dealing with a mediocre-to-bad King book.

The deeply local, dense, lived-in communities and relationships between people show King's best qualities as a writer and are the hallmark of his best fiction. 'Salem's Lot and Pet Sematary have those qualities.
Delores Clairborne has it in spades and I would go so far as to accuse that novel of being Literature with a