hunter gathers

Plus it maintains the important ecological niche filled by Bigfeet/Sasquatches, who distribute woods porn.

Also HUGE eyeballs. Lots of white around the pupil.

Woo-Hoo! Woo-Hoo! ;-)

But together, they taste like shit!

That kid needs some Warner Brothers cartoons STAT! Disney cartoons will make you a maroon. The datedness can also lead to very stimulating discussions.
Then ease her into the Marx brothers. Throw in Olson and Johnson's HellzAPoppin' for contrast. Wrap up with Johnny Dangerously.
Next stop: Mel Brooks and Zucker, Abrams

[Warren Buffet is a registered Democrat and has been all of his adult life]

If I ever have any, they'll read their Karl Popper and like it,
god damn it. ;-)

Yes, and the Spartacists Revolt gave the Friekorpers something unifying to rally around, further weakened the already-fragile Weimar Republic and helped pave the way for the NSDAP's seizure of power. What a wonderful gift to Germany and the world.

You're entitled to freedom of Late 19th Century Pseudo-Scientific Religion Substitute. Just don't expect me to take it seriously.

Karl Marx for kids is like handing them the Necronomicon. A translation of Eduard Bernstein's works on Revision and Social Democracy would be fine. Also, Karl Popper's The Open Society And Its Enemies Vols. I-II. But no actual child would read any of them anyway.

I don't want to get sued! ;-)

Scooter was more competent. "Scooter" is also what I tend to refer to my more flaky, hyper male students as. ;-) "Have a seat, Scooter. Now."

Been doing that for 20 years. Not a stretch.

Posehn needs to be on The Muppets. He's already got the voice!

"No, of course not. The posh kids win. They always do."

Hey, it beats Hate Talk 800 and Late Night Conspiracy Lunacy.

He was a college freshman or sophomore, but he was being so god damned obnoxious I just had to smack him around a little.
The young woman on The Fat Jew article was just a shithead, however, and I regret nothing.

"Ooh! Ooh!"

He'd just gotten divorced and needed the money. I don't begrudge him that. I just didn't watch them.

It's the only show of its kind I'll watch. Les gives excellent advice and demonstrates authentic real-world survival techniques, plus shows
just how incredibly hard and effortful it is to keep yourself alive while
alone in remote, difficult environments.
Yet I find the show deeply soothing and relaxing to watch. He