hunter gathers

You go to live on a big farm up in Galilee.

Got all four again!

From the old Russian territorial claims on the West Coast of North America. There is one in California and one in Alaska.

Oh, they are going out of business.

I like the cut of your jib!

Oh, Mr. Foley! You're going to love this one!

By hearing noises that will make you extremely uncomfortable and quite possibly physically ill.

78 shellacs make me jack.

Oh, CineCraft! You're good-hearted!

A puppet show on the radio would seem to be in her wheelhouse.

Lena Dunham and McSweeney's working together? Mere words cannot express how engorged with excitement I am for this prospect. It may lead to a Hipster Rapture.

To our English Friends:
Remember, remember the Fifth of November, and beware Papists bearing explosives!
Happy Bonfire Night and Long Live The Protestant Succession! ;-) Everyone, find some Guy and Fawkes his brains out! ;-)

Parking meter post with dismounted parking meter at crotch level in poor light. That is all.


Also this.

"Gooorrrd-Daaammmn!" Lee and Clint could barely sing or dance a lick, but nobody else could act and the script is fucking hilarious. I usually loathe musicals, but I have a huge soft spot for Paint Your Wagon. Just taking those roles was a ballsy move by these guys and it shows them extending their range and pulling

"You're not getting the Home Version in any form, either, you ignorant assholes!"

The International told me it was Formula One, as opposed to the plethora of motorized mayhem and idiocy available in the U. S. THIS SUNDAY,SUNDAY,SUNDAY!!! "Motor Sports" are our Circus Maximus and American Football our Gladiatorial Games!

Got all four!

I Bought A Headache.