hunter gathers

I love how they put her in kitten heels on the cover because she was already towering over the kid. ;-)

No, not especially. ;-)

Mumbly Boy!

William Godwin and her Mother both insisted on no change of names.

That nickname just makes me think of Peter Lorre, sweaty and
rubbing his hands together, saying "Is there anything I can do for you, Boss? Do you need any assistance?"

Got all three DDs. FJ was right up there with Stukas Over Disneyland as an advertising campaign.

An interesting (unlike the program) third option: does the Executioner use a Bastard, or hand-and-a-half sword? Otherwise, this is a pseudo-medieval version of Tedious Biker Show That Lasted Far Too Long [With Katie Segal As Talentless Crooner].

Take A Life! "Chris, you killed him, you horse's ass!"

The Stryker threw me. I wasn't making fun.

I'm from WV. Use the end of a knife hilt or a small hammer to crack the skull. Then scrape the brains out with a table spoon into a colander. Rinse them off and then mash them up in a frying pan with some melted butter. Fry them for a one and a half, two minutes tops until they brown. Then they're a great base for a

It's fuckin' Albatross flavoured, innit?

Well, it was a Republican Cartel Plantation Scheme that would have in all probability used high-turnover undocumented and exploited immigrant labor to keep profits high and provide an immigration/drug boogeyman at election time. That was actually vilely clever. It's a good thing the voters didn't go for it. Weed isn't

Were you an 11-Bravo at one point?

Mr. VelJohnson can present cases before the United States Supreme Court. I'm certain he could easily have his way with Ms. Kardashian through the use of a small pocket mirror and two minutes of Smooth Talk.
El Dan, taking a more Ted Levine Method "Would you?" approach, would also score.
What I'm saying is she's

Wizard Wang. Worst case I've ever seen. There's a reason they go around with staves with knobs on the end.

That's The Notorious RBG to you. Reginald VelJohnson is permitted to address her as Rabaggy in chambers.

You're the sort of person that happens to things. And people, as well. ;-)

How did your bubblegum supply hold out?


I'm sorry. Allegra is holding steady for me and my SAD doesn't really kick in until the belly of the winter, but I've got a SUNBOX. They're pricey, but they work wonders.