hunter gathers

Trazadone delivers the deep and dreamless like nobodies business. I rarely use it, now, but I have it if I need it.

One of my Mum's favorite sayings.

He's blooming well right, you know! New Vegas just didn't have a number.

"Used to?"

Good for you! I need to quit, too.

Change form, roaming moors, more victims etc. ;-)

The codeine cough syrup is an ideal excuse to phone your aunt and call her a cunt about 37 times. Just tell everyone you were overmedicated afterward. ;-)

These young twats need a dose of Karl Popper's The Open Society And Its Enemies, ideally delivered through a forced enema if possible.

Would that that were true…

Primary is in May in WV.


Possibly the goofiest God-Saving Excuse in the history of Western Philosophy. It's embarrassing even talking about it.
I'm tempted to think that's where George Lucas swiped midol-chlorians or whatever the fuck they're called from, but I can't bring myself to believe Lucas is that well-read. Leibniz was such a brilliant

The Gonad With The Monads. You poor bastard.

Don't get me started on those stupid pig-fuckers…

Get her hooked on all the old Warner Brothers cartoons.
Walt Disney can burn in hell! ;-)

I never thought anyone could top John Astin's genial madness, but Raul Julia gave Gomez an air of sophisticated suaveness and real menace that was just catnip to me.
That Anjelica Huston has not had more lead roles is a travesty, but she's very choosy about the roles she'll take.

To this very day, MC Hammer's former trousers are sheltering hundreds of families in Kurdistan.

Geek & Sundry's Critical Role: a bunch of smart, funny talented voice actors playing D & D. I was saddened by the news of Orion Acaba leaving the show.

His follow-up, 1493, is good as well.

Oh, crap, the Best American collections came out and I totally forgot about it! Thanks so much for reminding me! Off to Amazon briefly to check out 2015's Essays and Travel Writing.