hunter gathers

Actively, violently hostile.

Well, that's fucking appalling and I'm never watching it, ever.

Li'l Bastard Night? Flaming Bag of Shit Eve?

That "balloon twisting" stuff will get you twenty years in Parchman if you try it in the state of Mississippi, Mister! ;-)

Graded like a mofo, having gotten behind through being ill/slacking. Still made time for gorging on chilidogs with Madame Gathers, Critical Role and reading, as well as making a nuisance of myself on here.

Poor kitty. That sucks, EL.

I thought you were corned beef all this time! I feel vaguely betrayed.
Plus I could really go for a Reuben now.

It's a lot of fun.

Do you listen to his The Smartest Man In The World podcast?

I am. Really.

FLAGGED! Fascists get flags.

FLAGGED! I'm doing the same to all of your posts. The A. V. Club knows how to deal with fascists.

I do that every time I get "May I speak to…" I also ask "to whom am I speaking?" I've been known to answer the phone with a "M'yellow?, "EH-YES?" or even an "Ahoy-Hoy?"
I'm an insufferable pain in the ass on the telephone, is what I'm getting at, here.

I said Stanford.

Merde! ;-)

Nope, he has years of failure, self-loathing and misery to get through yet before his soul is flavorful!

Well, my new cool friend Alprazolam tells me I don't need this fucking person in my life!

That's pronounced Cry Fo' A. Little known fact

L. Ron Hubbard.

A shitty, White Trash, soap opera derived one.
The school we teach at has thirteen of them.