hunter gathers

Or Jeff Dunham [shudders]!

Just stick with 'proboscis' until you feel more comfortable. Also, standard PSA, if your appearance is "Twink" or Twink-adjacent, you may get a chance to Ride The Wild Idiotking! ;-)

No, that's standard. You're doing it right, Iffy.

If I deign to speak with pollsters at all (caller ID exists for a reason), I always lie to pollsters about everything. Because:
A. It fucks up their data sample.
B. This fact amuses me.
C. I can be more than a bit of a bastard.
For me, this is one of those Truly Adult pleasures, like Not Going To Something Extremely

Lyrics By Chachi.

Tertiary Syphilitic.

" I'm just a die-hard sports fan. I wasn't there, and I don't actually know these people." Also, isn't it time to upgrade all of your hard-drives? New hard-drives are an ideal Holiday gift for all of the men in your life!

[Michael Caffee's 2016 Tax Return lands in Harsh Audit Bin]

It depends. Do you find the late Ms. Krabople's grating "Hah!" funny?

As far as history and geography, Common Core is far more clear, coherent, and precise than any vague, hand-flailing set of WV State generated standards I've seen come down the pike in the last twelve years (each with an average two year revision period). The right correctly fear that it is paving the way for a

As far as history and geography, Common Core is this far more clear, coherent, and precise than any vague, hand-flailing set of WV State generated standards I've seen come down the pike in the last twelve years (each with an average two year revision period). The right correctly fear that it is paving the way for a


And plagiarism. The whole industry was built on it!
[Lawyer smacks own forehead]

The target audience clash was me main reason for the pick. It's hard to force a demographic change.

[petulant man-child is petulant]

I watched It the first time last weekend. I love the Cohen Brothers, but the outrageously level of hype at the time of its original release just put me off it.

Got DD1 and DD2. I have suppressed all memory of Fatal Attraction. I had no idea that Bleeding Heart was a flower, so I learned something. Thanks, Jeopardy and Jay S.

Oh, boy, was it!

That Supergirl pick is gonna kill me…

Your wearing a green celluloid eye shade right now, aren't you?