hunter gathers

[plays Stardust]

"And one Seauxaj Biscut,"

Well, ain't we a pair, Raggedy Man!

"Larry White?"

Never Forget, Never Forgive.

All because Ted Turner is a rich, dim-witted bastard. Yes, I'm still pissed off about it!

Me, too.

I think I've seen him before.

I Get No Kick From Champagne…

Got all three DDs, then I said Iceland. I teach geography, for fuck's sake! I'm still wallowing in shame…

I just want it on-record that I'm very uncomfortable with this slogan.

You got a nice place, here. Be a shame if anything bad happened to it.

I wouldn't know, I went to a state college. Sipping sherry and blowing goats, probably. ;-)

My ex-wife used to say that…

And that's why Nero was a nutter.

Then all the roads would be shit, because "Fuck you, pay me!"

"Wow, she took off her glasses!"

Those stains aren't coming out…

Trump classy!

[Don Was files a lawsuit against Rabin]