hunter gathers

Dick, tell your brother to stop making movies and go into insurance!

A bad, horny person.

Coming Soon To A "Gentlemen's Club" Near You!

It's The Singularity! Nerd Rapture! It's happening!

Also Rachael Leigh Cook.

This definitely sounds like a movie with Vin Diesel in it…

Good. I had the sense to get one this year. When you teach, you catch everything the little buggers catch.

Do you mean spiritual leader Messiah, or political/military Messiah?

- Mahky Mahk

The Lord choose… poorly. Get close and use a Thompson.

Oh, no, don't shoot him, that just makes him mad!

JESUS built my car. It's a love affair… YEAH, FUCK IT.

I've gotten so used to the taste of my own vomit in my mouth that I'm willing to swap. Any takers? Yes? I'd thought not…

They are hell on your back, so you have my sympathy.

You got another fucking rock. Son of a Bitch!

I thought they were both violently over-rated, myself.
By the way, is this a regulation-sized bat? [WHACK] ;-)

That's because Mr. Ellis is an expensively-educated moron and would be an actively violent sociopath if he had the guts. His prose is also ghastly.

It's General Gathers, and not anymore I don't. More's the pity. ;-)

There is no prize in the box. The prize is a box (or whatever customs your culture follows for the decent disposal of the dead). Do what you can to Ameliorate The Suck for yourself and others while you're here.

Is that like Liam Nessons? 'Cause That's My Shit, Yo!