hunter gathers

Looks like you don't Have A Friend In Pennsylvania!
I'll be in a closed garage with the car running if anyone needs me…

Fine, Jefe. Do it your way. You're in better shape than I am, anyway.

I'm on more pills than Jerry Lee Lewis, but I make sure to keep my wife away from swimming pools. Life's all about balance. ;-)

But it's Amazing and Expanding! ;-) Stay strong, MLA.

"Get In The Horror Taxi!
I Fell In Love With A Video Nasty!
Jump On The Terror Train!
That Freeze Frame Is Gonna Drive You Insane!"

Man, you need to see a doctor. I know you're sick of the bastards, but knees. They are rather important.

Well, shit , mate. Vide Supra. I hope you're feeling better, soon.


Fuck cancer, indeed. I'm terribly sorry.

Make the bastards pay you what you're worth!

I'm incredibly sorry that happened to you, especially in my home state.

He'll still TASE you, bro.

[Everything is never coming up Milhouse.*]
{* Not Even When The Doves Cry.}


I nearly spat out a sip of whiskey when I read that. Nearly.

[puts up yellow RULE 34 tape around the scene]
"Nothing to see, here. Please move along."

They are totally going to bone. The kid, however…
Have you seen Rosemarie's Baby? Damien?

{Yes, you could have.}

With an iron stick.

Much worse than a flaming bag of shit! At least that's traditional.
I have to grade Halloween weekend, too.