hunter gathers

The allocation of the school system's budget is the most important thing.
Are you in one of those states that does that "if the test scores drop, everybody goes" thing?

They don't give shit about institutions of learning. They just want to watch the gladiators! Panem et Circusem. Well, the circus would be NASCAR, but you get my point. ;-)

J. Jonah Fluffison!

Neither do I, and I teach in a public school. That shit is about:
A. Turning children's educations into an ideological football.
B. Monetizing various programs such as testing and software for private contractors who may be giving bribes/kickbacks to relevant public officials.
C. Stupid people trying to sound intelligent.

Because it's a loosely-based rip-off of the Odyssey that's also it's own thing? ;-) Telemachus wasn't seven little girls, for example. And there were more suitors than one with a pencil-thin moustache.

So, Jef, you up for Chili Dogs? ;-)

Watched Oh Brother, Where Art Thou for the first time. It was so overhyped when it came out and enjoyed by too many people I knew to be active, mouth-breathing morons that I simply thought the Cohen's had lost it and went LCD.
Turns out the dopes liked for the "Old-Timey (white) Music" and couldn't have followed the

We need to take The Van out and listen to some Foghat, Argent and Canned Heat again! Is it out of the shop? ;-)

No. Parodists have a deep love for what they are parodying.
Satirists have a deep hate for what they are satirizing.

Nah, he's not that fucking bright.

He was terrified of his old Welsh granny, Henry VII's mum, though. She understood English, but wouldn't deign to speak it. She would slap the piss out of him and call him a little shit.

Just say "Ted Kennedy."

Fuck those "Tom Swifties For Truth" assholes!

Well, it's not the fun kind of history.

NEVER swear the Hippocrapic Oath. Just don't.

Snake Eyes for The Moral Compass!

Serially. Let's not go mad, here.

"Sema" Latin root . It's been years since I've read the book or seen the movie.

T'ain't right.

"My Hair is going to be the greatest, classiest President this country has ever had! [help] My Hair has Plans. Big Plans! [stop it] My Hair will soon be wearing all of YOU! [kill me]"