hunter gathers

Brutal sinus headaches because you're allergic to the scented crap in them?

Thoughtful and well-said.

My cousin's former roommate's brother is currently unemployed. Go bother him.

That was a Roc's egg. She's coming for you.

I rest my case.

THAC0 was counterintuitive, cumbersome and off-putting. I'm glad it's dead!

I would LOVE a Planescape:Torment movie. I still love that game and it still holds up. I replayed it last summer.

[Alan Turing turns from a blackboard crammed with Scary Math]
"So, you see, the algorithm is actually quite simple…"

I grew up on Basic and AD&D and played 3rd Edition in college and grad school. From what I've seen, 5e's mechanics are a hell of a lot smoother and more intuitive.

Playing well in a campaign is somewhat time/labor intensive.
Running a campaign well is crushingly time/labor intensive, even with ready-made, store-bought materials.

Only because they are pathetic, literal-minded losers with insufficient imagination and no poetry in their souls!
Or so I've heard it said. ;-)

Well, that's people for you, the bastards. ;-)

And jobs and mortgages and car payments…

Then the leader of the opposition puts a crossbow bolt through your hostage's chest and says "I never much cared for Alf, anyway."
What do you do?

The alignment of madmen and fools!

They're both great, but totally different things. D & D involves acting, bluffing, strategy, tactics and (gasp) actual human social interaction.
Co-operation is key, and the drama from rushes of joy at success to the bickering rules-lawyering to the ugliest meltdowns of failure is unlike anything a crpg can provide,

Felicia Day's The League and other shows on Geek & Sundry.

I'll bet you have a Canadian Girlfriend, too.

Actually, it was kind of la…
[engulfed by Fireball]

You take six points of Social Awkwardness Damage.