hunter gathers

Aaannnddd then he starts pissing on things…

Slumping lazily against the fourth wall.

They invite them to a feast, get them drunk and stab them.

The Delaware LLC was a master-stroke. I don't think they can even charge you with manslaughter, and the state has an unusually understanding attitude towards outrageous usury!
Simony, the holding of multiple benefices and nepotism by clergy are fine and dandy with them.

…because you have to sleep sometime.

Congratulations! Carefully re-read any and all life insurance policies you may have.

I did that about 4 years ago under similar circumstances.
[Dana Gould's Opera Singer steps out in top hat and tails]
Me: "You, again?
DGOS: "Always a pleasure to work with you, Sir."
I got back on that shit, pronto.

It takes about a week and half/two weeks to build up in your system. Did you start seeing tiny, flickering dots in your field of vision, not enough to impair your sight but noticeable? Then they went away? That's how your can tell an SSRI dosage has finally kicked in, in my experience.

God, The Wilderness was a fucking mess of a battle. Two armies hammering the shit out of each other in the middle of a self-created forest fire, with the wounded unable to crawl away from the flames… [shivers and goose-bumps]

Do you build up equity with a condo in the same way that you do a house? I hated paying rent. It was like setting a third of your paycheck on fire.

I'm a drive-'em 'til they die, guy, myself.

It is 'til the fucking thing starts falling apart 6 months to a year.
Goddamned intentional obsolescence.

Great. So she's Blossom, now?

Clowns are fucking EVIL and let no one tell you otherwise.

Lena Dunham is a tedious person of limited talent and range of experience. I also strongly suspect that she's not that smart, despite being expensively and privately educated. But, boy, do her parents know people!

The Brady Bunch is no longer in syndication.

You might have mentioned it was in Orange County in the first place!

I would, too, just to see if he still could.

I want a The P. J. S Box Set! You The Motherfucker keeping that from happening, and that's the last really good
thing you did.

[Eddie Murphy bursts into flames]