hunter gathers

Marion Barry? TOPICAL!

"Yeah, Eddie, that's great. Can I go get high now?"

[It's Thomas Pynchon! Be vewy, vewy quiet!]

Klaus believes every word!

Anyone who uses the word "classy" with serious intent is absolutely devoid of any taste, refinement or cultivation
whatsoever. He's a purportedly wealthy crass oaf
of a man. He's a walking cartoon of what poor, ignorant,
angry white people think a Rich Guy is.
The pitiful, stupid, self-sabotaging bastards love him.

Decline/Nadir/Journey To The Center Of The Earth. It's been 22 years since I've watched it. That's half my lifetime.

"Did somebody piss? I smell piss!"

Now take in my Seed, Woman, and fulfill The Gypsy's Prophecy!

"That's the sound of the director giving up and leaving."

Missed TILA because I'm a financial idiot, but I got the other three. ;-)

Booze is my Antidrug!

Gonorrhea: "Why, hello, Dave Chappell! What's it been, six months?"
Dave [shamefacedly downcast]: Dirty Motherfucker…

The hell I will! ;-)

I'm so sick of reading them go on about it that I will never watch it, ever.


Live with and profit handsomely from it! MMMWWWAHAHAHA!
[twirls moustache villainously]

4WD Toyota pick-ups, from the Hi-Lux for the Mujahideen fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s onward, have been the preferred war-wagon for irregular Islamic forces. They're cheap, pretty damned reliable and it's easy to get parts.

That puts a whole new spin on "whippersnappers."


They fucked themselves into cocked hat and it's hilarious, aside from the paralyzing-the-whole-government thing.