hunter gathers

You came within an inch of being turned into rich, Corinthian leather, my friend.

Run, do not walk. Steal. Kill if you must.

Compulsive Gambling Barge somehow doesn't have the same ring, but you could pitch it as a Dark & Gritty Reboot.

More of a That's A Face?!

Simon Pegg's character was such an idiot man-child of arrested development I wanted to choke him until the piss ran out his ears, and the ending was a shithouse wreck. I did like Nick Frost getting a more complex character to play and more screen time, and I thought the speech to the aliens was good. I was just

Oh, why the FUCK did you have to bring that thing up?

[teary-eyed and helpless with laughter]

Ah, the memories you've unleashed… ;-)

Not Large Marge? I've been terribly misled!

It will be a gorgeous mosaic of tolerance and negotiable affection.

I've heard it rumored that he's not too fond of people of the Islamic persuasion, as well.

Elvenkind suffers from a crippling sense of superiority.

Benzodiazepines are a helluva drug! ;-)

"Stick" means that the gearshift is mounted between the two front seats. "Manual" means it's mounted on the steering column. The transmission type is referred to as "standard." Different does not mean inferior.
Further, we invented the fucking things, so we'll call them what we like, with your kind permission (or even

Blasting into the parking lot on a Skidoo, drunk, is fairly common, however. ;-)


Would "Magic Is A Helluva Drug!" be better?

Very good catch!

He also needs a walker and life-support equipment.

"Holy Father, your vestment budget is through the roof! What's going on?"
EDIT for illiteracy.