hunter gathers

"You guys are nuts! N-V-T-S, nuts!"

[Native American and surviving member of Milli Vanilli both shed a single tear]

They've all seen it. :-)

That shot is MONEY!

[flings it over shoulder]

What we have here is Failure To Communicate.

Fell down the stairs again, huh?

Assuming the numbers they publicly release aren't as reliable as Soviet economic figures.

"Honestly, haven't any of you people been in a cult before?!"
-A worthwhile early Family Guy quote

"She was the roughest, toughest Frail!
But Minnie had a heart that was as big as whale!"

Mr. Garvey is a role model of mine. ;-)
I have several Aarons and a Blake in classes this year. I have fun with that.

I'm really glad Ashley Johnson got this gig! I just miss her as Pike on Critical Role. A
D & D party without a cleric? That is NOT going to end well.

I have Armstrong as my cable, internet and telephone provider.
I am a lucky, lucky man.

Both companies are Minnie The Moocher, and they owe you some serious money.

You did. This person is being churlish and rude.

That's rough, but your parents sound like very decent human beings and you seemed to have turned out well. It is so fucking hard to break out of the cycle of poverty and exploitation, and anyone who does it has my unending respect. Unless the experience turns them into embittered, reactionary, conservative "I've got

Thanks. I love my disciplines and I like teenagers [as people, at ease, perverts]. Weird, right?

Judge Dredd: Harsh But Incredibly Cruel.

My Dad is a big golfer, and people who know him often ask me why I'm not. My standard response has become "If I want to get pissed off and frustrated, I'll go to work. They pay me for that, there." ;-)
EDIT for illiteracy! I can type quickly or accurately. I cannot do both.

Then don't participate. Please.