hunter gathers

He has an apartment in NYC, and no.

Well, the trick is that the French don't "snack." They sit down to proper meals, but they seldom eat at any other time.

Nope. No outrageous French accent.

He is.

I'll plump for shit-stupid, pig-ignorant and lazy rather than insane as a descriptor of that 15%. But they're so fucking loud about it.

If only the Lady Chatterley case had been about the novel being unmitigated drivel…

Three out of four. Did not know that an infinitely repeating decimal was the definition of an irrational number. Math is not my friend. :-(

It gets better with every book, until with Half A World it doesn't read like YA at all.

Why can't these guys sit around at home and beat off to Roadhouse like all of the other bouncers do?


Now that's some sleeping TV!

Objectionably Welsh! Should have stuck with runes instead of violating the Roman Alphabet like a neglected sheep! ;-)

I am so very sorry!

[flicks on lighter]

A motorcycle gang accompanied by Jean-Paul Sartre, no less!
"It made sense to surrender to the Germans. They were very mean!"

Bring me the head of F. W. Murnau!
(Seriously. Someone's fucked off with the poor, dead bastard's head and I'd like it returned to its proper place. I'm looking at you, Rob Zombie! )

Three cheers for knowing your shit and being able to talk on your feet despite Technical Difficulties! That is an invaluable ability!

Sorry to hear about the dodgy knee, Lupin. I've had spells of that from my Misspent Youth, and they're a proper bugger.

I gave that and A Serious Man a big miss because they made it look like the Coens were heading into dangerously Woody Allen-like Journey-Up-My-Own-Asshole territory.

Maybe you had the menstrual cramps real bad?