hunter gathers

We're well overdue for a Party Death or Deaths. An unnoticed one took place from the mid-19th Century to the late-20th century when the Democratic and Republican Parties gradually completed 180 degree ideological shifts while retaining the same names.

They were hell-bent on destroying every last vestige of the New Deal and have been ever since.

Jelly Bellys were the only thing the old fucker was right about.
I'll grant him that and no more.

Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfawitz and Kinda Sleazy Rice, however, were the EVIL MOTHERFUCKERS who were actually running things, though.

He was cutting brush like a motherfucker on his ranch every god damned weekend, it seemed like.

Are they weird tricks? And, this is important, is there only one of them? Finally, which groups of professionals or skilled workers are driven crazy by or hate the trick?

More like 100 year old wiring and/or gas pipes. ;-)

You also employ tomfoolery, hijinks and jackenapery, I've noticed.
It's nice to meet a young person who appreciates The Classics.

House fires, here in Huntington, WV. So goddamned many house fires.

Just got back, and yeah, there were some. However, my Dad's side of the family has made way too many trips (4) to that funeral home this year.

Thanks, Scrawler.

Me too! I didn't know or had forgot you'd read them. I'm still waiting for Pat Rothfuss to get that third Kingkiller Chronicle book out, but he's also doing a lot of wonderful charity work and I love watching him play D&D with the Acquisitions Incorporated guys, so I can wait.

I did not care for Seveneyes at all, which was a bit of a shock considering how much I love Stephenson's other stuff.

You might like to check out Geek & Sundry's Critical Role on Twitch.
It's a bunch of smart, talented, funny voice actors playing a Dungeons and Dragons 5e campaign adapted from an originally Pathfinder campaign. Matt Mercer is a great DM and it's lot's of fun to watch.

"Ghost Dog: knowledge to knowledge."

There are several stories and a novel featuring Darger and Surplus. Judkins, you also might like Scott Lynch's Locke Lamora books if you're into Leiberian rogues.

I've got chasing the Phoenix on deck. I love Michael Swanwick's stuff.
Then I'll read Terry's last one and cry.

Me neither. Madame Gathers has a copy. I might give it another try this Winter.

Judge to Christer County Clerk: "I must break you."

Watched Critical Role and continued to read S. M. Stirling's The Desert and the Blade, which is quite good. Sadly, one of my cousins died suddenly and unexpectedly of a blood clot blockage. He was only 56. His father died of the same thing, but at a much older age. Going to the funeral this afternoon.