hunter gathers

No, he was incompetent at that, too. The virgin-field epidemics unleashed by contact were a baffling mystery to everyone involved, and those are what did most of the killing.

If you've ever had the misfortune to read even excerpts from his journals, the man was clearly bat-shit insane.

I've been wrangling with the ragweed myself, but the Allegra helps a lot.

Wonderful! Cats are awesome.

Like Husker Du sang, You Gotta Keep Hangin' On. I hope this load eases for you.

Hello, Mother…

He's not wearing the slugs as 'moustaches', yet. Let's just let things develop before attempting an intervention.

I recommend Phil Jupitus's Quadraphobia stand-up show, in which he discusses his arachnaphobia, which you can find on YouTube. My two big take-aways were that:
1. Spiders are huge dope-heads.
2. Spiders love Pink Floyd.


I'm still holding off. ;-) Read about half of S. M. Stirling's The Desert and the Blade, which is quite good. I'm going to start Michael Swanwick's new Darger and Surplus novel Chasing The Phoenix as well. I think I'll finish those before I start the Last Pterry book.
Rereading Felipe Fernadez-Armesto's Civilizations

Not actually differently abled, just as a weird tick.


Well, I've got this breathing thing. If I stop doing it, I'll die.
You also seriously don't want to see explosive decompression.

Well, I'm on enough Xannax right now I don't give a shit about the heat. Does that count? ;-)

The spiky sternum revealed that ages ago.

He's a sub-contractor, so even he probably couldn't tell you.

Stick It To The Man, naturalcynic!

That's a fine Dictionary you've compiled there, Dr. Johnson. Be a shame if anything were to happen to it. I understand you used sweated labor in your lexicographal shop. Poor under-paid, over-worked bastards…

I had the day off and… and… I did stuff for work anyway!
[Sobs] I'm so ashamed!

Well, they'd heard that water was horrible stuff. Fish fuck in it.