hunter gathers

Lllooks lllike someone's a lllittllle lllost…

Murmur, or This Was Recorded in A Basement Restroom as I call it.

Those poor people are reduced to using tongue clicks solely because of the outrageous depletion of the worlds' vowel supply by the French!

Untouched. Pure. Golden!

Well, I do do that more…

[people who got their "information" from Fox News]

"The Nozzle… concludes that this is a groundless piece of shit with poor grammar and spelling."

I've been known to dabble and edit occasionally when not engaging in more self-destructive habits.

I remember that. But it does work. It's like Topsy. It just growed. ;-)

This edition of Funk and Wagnell's refers to Adolf Hitler as "A fairly stable veteran of The Great War."

Also "reading comprehension." Ain't that a pisser?

Eek! [Stocking Orangutan]

[Keep On Rockin' In The Free World kicks off]

"He's a Maniac, Maniac on the floor!"

Oh, I can play the harmonica something cruel!

What was that minimally-talented assclown even thinking when he left The Daily Show? Vance must have had a David Caruso Moment or something.

He'd previously thought disease came from The Land Of Winds And Ghosts.

This is a man who has been multiply concussed and wasn't bright to begin with. Mark Harmon was a very fast and clever All American quarterback at OSU who was almost never sacked.
Note career choices.

Mean Old Mr. Mike didn't like anybody! ;-)

He's Harlon Ellison, not Juda Macabee.
(EDIT: I'm drunk and here's a Scottish Jew.)