hunter gathers

I can see in my mind's eye that the Slanket/Snuggie War will be even more tragic than the East Coast/West Coast Hip-Hop War!
Will this senseless cycle of violence never cease?

Charlie Sheen's got a gun! Run for your lives!

Actually, Bigfoot fucks you when you're camping.

Karl Marx and Ayn Rand are right up there at the top of any sensible person's list of Jewish Anti-Semites.

Things That Say Fuck In The Night.

The UFO people are a sadder type of the same category of sad bastards.

I absolutely refuse to believe that these are different shows on different channels with different people. I just know that I wouldn't like to be trapped in a stuck elevator with any of these shitheads, and that they probably shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Yeah, it would be a shame if these people gave up promising careers as sports bar bouncers and apprentice strippers for something that didn't pan out.

Paris didn't like Them Apples!

I'm grateful for my wife. I'm grateful for my family. I'm grateful for my students and colleagues. I'm grateful to have you all to share the things we love together!

Yuengy and Bushies. I've got hardback first editions to buy, people! ;-)

Maybe this coming winter? Source: vague rumors.

"For about a week!"

I'd pay money to watch her try to pronounce 'theologian' aloud.

Fully Confirmed White-Trash!

She most certainly can be removed from office for failing to perform her duties, but the state legislators don't have the balls.

Her ass needs to be Fired For Cause, plain and simple. She wants to sue? Let her sue. But the elected officials won't touch it with a stick because loony Christer voters.

Pecan pie right here. If you don't like it, eat a goddamned pregnant-with-evil gourd! ;-)

My self-loathing doesn't see color!

British Civil Service. You can't beat it!