hunter gathers

It is (it used to be The Military Channel, and apparently they have some very unimaginative and dense management and marketing people), but they use a lot of good archival footage from all sides to cover things.

"What's that gobshite doin' on the telly?!"

Whip it!
Into Shape!
Shape it up!
Get straight!
Flash Forward!
Move Ahead!
Try to detect it!
It's not too late!
To whip it,

Fuck, I am so sorry!

Think of a certain geometric figure, everyone…

American Heroes Channel (gag) is the new Hitler Channel since the History Channel became The Pawnshop and Antiques Rip-Off Channel With Aliens. It puts me out like a blown candle.

Si. No problema, Jefe!

Lee Harvey, you are a Wild Man! I want to party with you! ;-)

Too pricey.

To whip it,

Sorry! I fucked up!

You should have shown Zelig with it in a double bill.

The Unsinkable Molly Brown and Wild At Heart!
Have him killed! Have him killed!

When something's going wrong
You must whip it

[sorry, I fucked that up. had to go watch the video on youtube]

Before the cream sits out too long,
you must whip it


[Baongk, Baongk, Badaongk]

I love bourbon, but it does tend to make your fists all fighty.
The Bushies doesn't do that. I experience the same mellow buzz and hangovers are rare to non-existent.

Step on a crack