hunter gathers

"So I says to Mabel, I says…"

Major in Broadcasting! Develop the unmitigated gall required to refer to yourself as a "journalist" with a straight face!

No, Donny, dees nuts are cashews.

"Diamond Joe" Biden banks there, and only there.

Glad they took that one down!

"Turn the paper over, Sean!"

He also had a really brutal experience in the Pacific Theatre during WWII.

And Christ's actual divinity, which was handy! Also socially
up-scale. Sounds like a case of the Come Back, Little Shiksas. ;-)

Well, the Russians wouldn't have, either, to be fair. But they didn't snatch the best guys or stuff and had to make do with the good old brute force and massive ignorance of Soviet engineering.

"Bar-ton Fink! Bar-ton Fink!"

Just the stills in the ads look dire.

Oh, for fuck's sake…
I already have one History student who is a big fan.
That guy with the untamed and clearly hazardous Jewfro is a public menace.

You unconscionable OGRE!

That sucked for her, too, but in a different way.

M. A. in History and a Master of Arts in Teaching, but I felt my wife's pain.

Welcome to Open All Hours: After Dark

Madame Gathers was forced to use this jiggery-pokery while doing her M.L.S. The Future Of Higher Education this ain't.

"It's like the Sims, but shitty and creepy!" Just another Sketchy Virtual Neighborhood like MySpace and [shudder] Friendster.

Well, they seemed to have fucked off right sharpish, anyway.

They prefer the term Pornsmiths. Pornwrights is also acceptable.