hunter gathers

The next town over's water supply. Hilarity ensues!

AKA procuring, AKA Pimpin' Ain't Easy.

"A rrrrriot iz und ugly zing, zo ve'd bedder mek damn schur ve do zis von rrrright!"
- Police Inspector Hans Wilhelm Fredrich Kemp

No, but they buy them anyway. Isn't marketing wonderful?

Minstrel show is aptly used, here. He's a hack.

AHEM! There are many names you can use for these fuckers.
Peckerwoods, Rednecks, Crackers, Mr. Charlies, even the Flatlander Pig-Fuckers my own People prefer. BUT STOP CALLING THEM HILLBILLIES, GOD DAMN IT!
Appalachian Mountain People are not Southerners. They mostly sided with the Union during our Civil War because:

White Trash love it! Much like the Duggars and Honey Boo-Boo.
They're the nation's second-fastest growing and first-most dangerous demographic and they are childishly foolish with money. These are your Trump voters!

Well, you're right about that. But there are really interesting parts in it.

Take it easy with the Negative Reinforcement, there,
B. F. Skinner! ;-)

The two horrible-for-you tastes that go great together…

Well, at least you're trying. I should, but I don't want to murder anyone right now. Things are going too well, otherwise.
On the plus side, the booze consumption has dropped to more reasonable levels since I am busily engaged with work again and not actively hating it like I was last year.

I share your Cunning Plan.

These swamp-dwelling assholes don't merit the honorable epithet of Hillbilly! ;-)

Phony Pope. He's your go-to guy. He put the bullshit in Papal Bulls!

Mine, too.

They are amazing and wonderful! Treat yourself!

I think The Diamond Age was pretty well done and it's a favorite of mine, but he might have used too many POV characters.

Jacques Barzun was one of the Twentieth Century's greatest public intellectuals, but he was born with that century.

I like Secret History, but I love Friend and Goldfinch.

The Locke Lamora books are so good! I need to get that Rogues collection as well.