
@kates254:disqus , nothing justifies the existence of "The Following." NOTHING.

That's what I'm sayin'! Not a word about Daniel Hardman? You mother flickers.

I love Quinn! Her friendship with Huck was one of my favorite parts of last season. @avclub-f29de078649d5dcc1ba12a84d1757670:disqus , that quote made me laugh so damn hard! She really is the most adorable burgeoning psychopath. Well said.

Agreed. I'm legitimately bummed that they didn't bring it back after how phenomenal season 3 was.

If there were any justice in the world, in a season with two winners both Amy and Jasmine would be walking away with crowns. It kills me that one of those two girls will be runner up to either of the boys - neither of whom come close to the magnificent artistry shown by both girls last night (and all season, really). 

Agreed. I know this has come up several times in the comments this season, but given how much most of the fans know now about how the sausage is made on SYTYCD it still baffles me that they continue to push the hip hop dancer = untrained narrative. They may not have the same level of training as a hard core

Nope, you are not alone - I LOVED her on "Crossing Jordan"! I caught it in reruns when I was recovering from a back injury and she absolutely made that show for me. She was so lovely and memorable! Lilly was the absolute heart of that show and Hahn just popped in that role. It is easy to see why a two or three episode

Amen to this. She was the only thing worth watching in "How to kill a movie in 90 minutes" (or whatever the hell that piece of dreck was called).

The guy who only made the top 20 because of an injury wins the entire thing? That would be insanely awesome.

Exactly! I was so confused! I think even Cat was confused by the phrasing. You'd think the man would know better at this point, particularly given how tough a decision last night's judging was.

You aren't alone @avclub-c027a095f6633553f8f45a0ce00fd45d:disqus ! I loved the opening number as well. While I didn't peg it as a Mia routine (it actually had an aura of Wade Robson to it IMHO) I thought it was fun and so entertaining.

Don't get me wrong - I like Fik-shun. A lot. And I think he is leaps and bounds better than Cyrus was last season and has really grown over the weeks. That being said, I still don't think he's as versatile a dancer as tWitch or Joshua. I mean, when I think back on that season "Hometown Glory" immediately pops to mind.

Louis is the fucking bomb.  Rick Hoffman has made Louis one of the best characters on TV. You shouldn't love him but you can't help it. He's flawed for sure, and not as pretty as Harvey, but he's just so damn awesome and loveable and sympathetic and FUNNY.

Yeah, what was with Jenna Elfman? I appreciate that she is a fan of the show - clearly - but given her extensive dance background I really expected more content from her.

Last night's show was fun but a mixed bag in terms of success - I actually thought Chelsie choreographed a great jive. I could see in the good parts how truly excellent that number could have been if Aaron had been able to be consistent through the whole number. I did wonder about his absence in the opening number

So sad, but so true. While we've certainly seen hip-hop contestants show growth over their season, none have been as versatile as Joshua or tWitch.  Russell was a close runner up (though I still don't think he should have beat out Jakob) but no one since has managed to balance the level of versatility and skill those

I remember that performance vividly - I was so impressed by Ivan that week.

Sometimes I feel like there is an endgame that the judges/producers want that doesn't reflect what is really happen.

You aren't alone. I really loved the number and thought they both brought tremendous style to the piece but I actually liked the way Marko danced it better. I don't think either of them were short on style or technique - I think it just comes down to personal preference of interpretation.  And I'm a huge Jasmine fan

@avclub-bb086401010497628aca7631857a204d:disqus thanks for finding this and sharing. Poor Robert! Given how serious his accident sounds I am astounded he was dancing last night. Those two guys really do embody strength and will and perseverance. What a match made in dancing heaven!