
Well said. This show is pretty deliberate in its choices so I think the parallels are absolutely intentional and are, as you've shown, to demonstrate the danger in passive acceptance of something that is inherently bad/wrong because it doesn't personally affect *you*.

I'd have LOVED to see more of Moira's story. Perhaps we'll get a little of that in the finale?

I've always thought that was June's internal way of giving herself the illusion of control or choice or agency in a world and a time that is hell bent on ensuring she has none. To do what needs to be done and to maintain her sanity, she needs to feel she has some control. But that doesn't mean it isn't rape. It is. No

So terribly sad. What a lovely gentleman he was and a brilliant actor and director. Silly, but he was always my favorite movie Santa after I saw him in the "Miracle" remake.

Well, to be fair, there isn't a top 12 week - last week was top 14 and we lost four dancers to take us straight into the top 10. So maybe they'll review tomorrow night's show?

I won't argue that Jason Derulo was a joke and yes, Misty has the chops to give critiques, but I just….. I don't know. I can't watch her. I don't know what it is. *shrugs*

OK, I'm probably posting this into a black hole of nothingness but I just had to do it.

Man, the lights of Tinseltown are just a little bit dimmer today. This really sucks. Hoffman was damn near genius in everything he did. He will be sorely, sorely missed.

I want to hug this idea. And then go work for Fox so I can implement it immediately.

He really is so well utilized in this show. I would LOVE to see him back and have a redemption arc!

KEEP GOING. Once the show gets over its need to be a "monster of the week" police procedural and starts investing more in the overarching mythology it gets insanely awesome. I started watching for Joshua Jackson - and really, he's a good reason to watch, too - but stayed for how amazing John Noble was week after week

There are not enough likes for this. The fact that he was repeatedly snubbed despite the seriously phenomenal work he did on "Fringe" week in and week out remains a source of tremendous TV rage for me. I'm so excited his role is even meatier and more awesome than I originally realized!

Agreed - the same comment was made in my house. We are bewildered they didn't take advantage of a musical episode to reinvent the theme song again.

Actually, now that you mention it, "I've heard it both ways" is probably the best performed and structured song in the entire episode. Lassie sold it!

Well said. I think that is a perfect summation.

He wasn't quite as painfully bad as I'd anticipated - but that isn't really saying much. JG just isn't nuanced enough as a performer to play those kinds of layers. On the other hand, that Robbie Kay is - as expected - marvelous as Henry. Can the body switch just stand? Cause that would be awesome.

Good call on how this will play out in the "Henry as Rumple's undoing" plotline. I think you may be on to something there.

I say hell with it. Hook is wicked sexy and I'd pick him any day of the week (and twice on Sundays) over stupid Neal. I'm not sure why either of them is so crazy about Emma, but if she's got to choose, I'm with Gwen - it's not much of a contest. Hook FTW.

You guys - John Noble is going to be back on my TV. JOHN NOBLE!!!! I'm so excited about this. The absence of his awesomeness on my TV every week was the worst thing about the end of Fringe.

Good point. "Hey, btdubbs Ichabod, I sacrificed our unborn/newborn child to the creepy devil monster to make sure you'd only be dead a couple hundred years."