
I heartily agree. Particularly if it's a routine that requires Neil to go shirtless.

Well played.

If I could have Mark and Jakob dance on the same night I will absolutely die from the awesomeness. I CANNOT WAIT.

You guys! JAKOB IS BACK!!! The only thing that could have made last night more spectacular would have been a number with Mark Kanemura as the All-Star.  But that aside, JAKOB! I'm still sad over his loss to Russell - that man is flawless. I'd argue that Jakob is the best male dancer ever to grace that stage (though

It wouldn't be the first time Nigel spoke with authority about something he really wasn't all that knowledgeable about. I wouldn't be surprised if he heard that Robert had been injured and made some assumptions without finding out the details.

I don't know about Tucker being in the bottom.  Travis Wall brilliance + emotional real-life resonance + brilliant dancing = safe in my book. That being said, Tucker has always been a favorite of mine so perhaps I'm just prejudiced. :-) For my money, it should be Tucker and Aaron in the finale as the top two guys.

I only started watching this show last season and really liked that format so much better: Bobby, Giada and Alton each mentored a team of chef's (five each at the start, I think) and there was so much more meaningful content and mentoring. We got to know the contestants better, and all of them grew in clearly

I think the difference was that Andres schtick was that all men were terrible cooks while Damaris wants to help men who have self-identified and want to learn. I never got the impression that she thought all men were helpless, just that she wanted to help those that were.

Yes, that was a nice change - he did seem to be trying a bit more last night to actually provide some specific, critical feedback.

I can't remember the last time I talked (well, mainly yelled) at my television quite so much (or so forcefully). I had a tiny thought that Skinner might be the killer when he made that comment about not being able to pretend to be someone else anymore but it passed - and then came back only when Holder got picked up

For what it's worth, not only is keeping trophies of personal items a fairly standard hallmark of serial killers, it is also not unusual for them to give those keepsakes to a relative or someone else important in their lives.  John Douglas was one of the first profilers with the FBI and he talks about this very

It got completely awesome. 

I second @avclub-8f9fe0c29e04c01f6dab3697ae562912:disqus 's reccommendations. I also think he was fantastic in Garden State. Love it or hate it, Sarsgaard is exceptionally awesome in it.

I was completely new to the show when I started watching this season. After hearing how badly received the bulk of the first two seasons were I decided not to watch. But because I love the Holder/Linden relationship so much I read recaps of the first two seasons and then went on Netflix to watch some of the key

This season is some of the best television out there PERIOD.  I don't know what the hell happened between seasons 2 & 3 (other than perhaps that temporary cancellation scared Sud into getting her shit together) but it is fan-fucking-tastic. I literally cannot wait for it to be Sunday to watch this show.

Me too. I would take anything at this point - but I can think of far worse fates than another season shown entirely on Netflix.

Agreed. I had the same thought and wonder if it won't be a question Linden asks of Adrian in the finale.

As @avclub-eb0475218e5099c48ebead8cdce41463:disqus said it was quite a rip-off of a Wade Robsen routine from Season 3 featuring Sarah and Jesus. If memory serves, that routine was considered "pop jazz" but had a VERY similar style and aesthetic and was set to another piece of music from The Triplets of Belleville.  It

I thought that Nico's kicks and flicks were superior to Alexis' - but I also thought the entire routine was slow and labored for a jive. What was up with that? My fear is that they had to slow it down for the couple because they couldn't keep the pace of the dance as originally choreographed.  Nico should be safe next

That's him alright. I think the only reason I realized it was him was the first time we see his character he's got his hoodie pulled up, obscuring everything but his little moon face, kind of observer-like.