
Now THAT is a good question. I haven't given much thought to those bags since very early on in the season. Given that very specific form of disposal and, I imagine, limited access to those materials, that should really have been a bigger line of investigation. I will be interested to see how this all ties in…..

Anyone heard any buzz on if there will be a Season 4? I know part of the reason this season actually got greenlighted was because of the Netflix deal. I've been wondering if - given that they've actually received some serious validation of late for original programming - Season 4 would actually be shown on Netflix

Well, I think it is clear that "Joe Mills is the serial killer" is not as cut and dried as the cops are making it out to be - but then again, they've never wanted it to be complicated or messy or encroach on the "closed" case of Tricia Seward's murder. Given that it seems likely that Adrian is lying about Joe killing

I know, right? His recaplet was fairly even-handed but hints of the grief were poking through. I can't wait to read the full weecap!

I seriously cannot fucking wait for this moment. Holder's vengeance will be a beautiful thing to behold.

I see what you are getting at. But that being said, I've gotten the impression Phil likes this season just fine beyond the greatness of Bullet. :-)

I feel like the ongoing underlying message of The Killing is PARENTS SUCK.  Short of Henderson (who, if we can believe the small glimpses we've gotten of his life outside the prison, seems to be a normal guy and devoted father), pretty much every other parent shown on this show BLOWS. To wit:

While I agree that Sarsgaard's performance has not flown under the radar or been unheralded, I definitely feel like quite a bit of the acting praise this season has been heaped upon Bex Taylor-Klaus - and rightly so. I'm sure part of that is due to the fact that she was an unknown quantity and has proved to be a

Yeah, Demme definitely knows how to create a mood and he's downright skillful with the pacing. That was some seriously great television right there.

And clearly with two episodes to go - three hours if the finale is a two-hour ep like the premier - there is more to this whole case than Joe Hill being the Pied Piper.


This was one of the best hours of television I've watched all year. I didn't watch the first two seasons of "The Killing" - so no baggage to speak of - but it has become that show for me that the moment an episode ends I'm already jonesing for the next. I don't know what happened between last season and this season,

I think that is one of the reasons they started doing the "Meet the Top 20" show - to give all of the dancers an additional week to connect with the voters.  That being said, with 20 dancers to keep straight, I'm not sure that is enough time. It's certainly better than the one and done format of earlier seasons, but I

I'm 100% with you on this. They need to bring back some of the hard core hip-hop choreographers. Clearly Shane Sparks is out of the question these days, but someone more of his ilk that can give us routines like "Too Much Booty In the Pants" and the transformers routine ("Fuego") from Season 3.  Heck, why not bring

This is what I'd like to see too - it's a format that makes sense to me. Well, at least more sense than last night's format, though in a perfect world we'd just get our results show back and judge this sucker the right way.

Oreo's gothic clown routines seem like poor man's Wade Robson to me."

While I take your point, I think it is a bad choice in terms of directing a television show. Having the eliminations before the partner dances is not only jarring and discordant, it can potentially harm other dancers. While most of these kids I'm sure will be as professional as possible, it is hard to maintain the

You mean the number that was immediately ret-conned into being the "Holocaust" dance (which made me throw up in my mouth)? Yeah, that was him.

@avclub-3e4d20980bad82814414cb12fecc0e18:disqus  and @avclub-f7e5ba0088125f75dab484fdf7f37382:disqus - yeah, when @dah_sab:disqus (and others) call that guard "Chief", they are referring to his role on Battlestar Galactica where he played Chief Tyrol and often went by just "Chief". Aaron Douglas is great and it is so

I think there are a few things at work here on why they aren't actively connecting the cases. Linden's old partner (Elias Koteas - can't remember his character's name) basically said to her "We worked the case, we did our due diligence and he had the benefit of a trial where he was found guilty. It isn't our job to