
Wasn't that the dumbest thing ever?

I don't know - I kind of liked the violent energy it had going on. It felt …… urgent. In a good way.

I'm sorry - I object to this:

This list fills my heart with JOY. 

I thought she looked gorgeous! I was so pleased to see her back - and to have her wonderful choreography on the show.

@avclub-60834bec2156664276da2026a904fc81:disqus since I can't figure out how to reply to you directly, I'll try this and hope you check back. I said "podcast" but that was a misnomer. He did a three part interview for "Mormon Stories" that you can watch on youtube.  Here is the link for Part 2 which focuses heavily on

Spencer Liff has always brought some great broadway routines to the show - I have no idea why they don't use him more often.

Yeah, that was pretty sad. Like @avclub-56dfc41867dc4d05e285222c24c4e7c2:disqus when I saw Hannah in last week's previews, I thought that perhaps she had a dance background - she's got a build that wouldn't be out of place in dance.  But when they called her a "dance enthusiast" my heart sunk. And she was just as

I don't know about you, but I think that logic is sadly lacking. I would be far happier with a week less of auditions and an extra week of Vegas that really allowed us to get to know more of the dancers who actually have a shot at being on the show.

Yeah, as much as I love this show, the producers LOVE to create stories and manipulate the audience.  They are also very fond - as we know - of pushing the "aren't they so amazing for an untrained dancer?!?" schtick when it is patently untrue.

I used to think that too until I watched Benji Schwimmer's Morman Stories vid on YouTube (which is awesome and well worth the watch - part 2 is very heavily focused on SYTYCD). In that he talks about how grueling the last few weeks of competition are in terms of stamina and your ability to push through tremendous

Thanks for that thoughtful reply - I think I shall heed your advice and steer clear of Seasons 1 & 2.

From what I've gathered, I think it is an atmosphere thing mixed with the affectation of both series central premises being (at least initially) "Who killed [insert chick with secret life here]?"

I am completely new to "The Killing" and decided to check it out because …. well, the commercials were intriguing and I basically like Peter Sarsgaard in everything he's ever done. (He's somehow awesome in even the shittiest of movies. I'm looking at you Green Lantern.) I almost turned it off in the first hour but got

By a landslide.

For what its worth, I didn't watch the first two seasons but decided to watch last night's premier, just to see. Thought it was pretty good and didn't feel like I needed to know a whole lot about the show going in to enjoy it.

I took it as a "B" for the entire 5 episode run as the review basically talks about the entire story arc and not just the events of the first episode.  That being said, I just finished watching all five and would have to agree that "B" is about right. The pace is slow, but for examining the threads of this plot and

It's different. I liked it but thought it had a bit more style than substance - the story wasn't handled nearly as deftly as the visuals (which were stunning) . That being said, Lee Pace was magnificent and I thought the little girl was charmingly unpolished. If you are planning to give it a go, I would suggest

Well, that is at least one thing death got right.

I'm so completely down with that choice.The sire bond was freaking awful.