
If someone gets back to you with a shopping list, let me know - I'm in.

But that was so awesome! Completely crazy and out of left field, sure. But awesome! I totally loved Klaus in that moment.

I might agree with that if he'd been alive the whole time (in hiding or something?) because that would have been a ret-con fail of the epic variety. However, the fact is that he did die - and Elena had to grieve his death. Also, from a storytelling perspective, Elena's downward spiral was a good short-cut to allowing

I freaking loved this episode! While I grant that it was a bit messy and disjointed, I thought all the emotional beats were awesome and perfectly played. Good character moments/emotional beats wins out over structure almost every time for me. I also thought the kind of seamless vanishing non-goodbye goodbyes for Lexi

Given that this show loves to throw a twist and then deal with that twist on the way to developing another twist (often at breakneck speed), I won't be surprised if that happens. I mean, on other shows secrets like this would last the better part of a season. On TVD, I expect this to be revealed within the first three

I hadn't heard that either! That does make me a bit sad. They seemed really adorable together IRL.

I hear what you are saying, but I think the bigger thing here is that as adults we have more understanding for the fact that people aren't perfect. Stefan and Elena have often spent huge chunks of their relationship putting each other up on pedestals with blinders to one anothers' faults. Stefan - as much as I love

@avclub-f42523df3fafe56f111474dc70679dcf:disqus you are not alone in this - I'm thrilled Jeremy is back (I've always liked Jer) and thought the show did a great job with the bait and switch of the major death. This season - and Bonnie's agency and sacrifice - actually made me care about her as a character in a way I

I want to say we saw her get a ticket in the end-of-episode montage where they were summing up who was going to Vegas.

Did anyone else notice that the audition episodes appear to be directed by Nigel?

This show could REALLY use an infusion of Wade right about now. His unique and challenging choreo is sorely missed.

And Witney is one of the regular stable on that show now too - not as a lead partner, but for when they do group numbers or pros dancing during musical guests performances. Dimitri and Pasha have both done numbers on there, Lacey Schwimmer was a pro for several seasons…..

I'm with @Adelaidey:disqus on this one. I would argue that if they think they can have that kind of drama during a live show, they'll put her on and HOPE for an injury.

WORD. I second this.

Agreed on all points. I actually kind of love Adam Shankman - he's always there with the aim of having fun and really giving these dancers worthwhile and helpful criticisms. Ortega is just kind of meh and boring and useless as a judge. He never has anything meaningful to offer.

Whether he's likely to win or even be nominated, JLM has been building to those marvelous last three emmy-worthy minutes all season. I was also struck anew at how nuanced his performance as Sherlock always is during this episode. Sherlock is often portrayed as an emotionless individual who has more brains than heart.

Nathan, you will be sorely missed around here! So many departures as of late…..it's enough to make a good AV Clubber cry. :(

Agreed! This was arguably my favorite episode of the season to date. It had great emotional punch and made me laugh out loud more than any other episode so far.  Not to mention killer performances from Jeff, the Dean, and Troy! Good, good stuff.

When he first opened his mouth as "Troy" I thought "when did Troy become a gentile southern woman?" His impression was hilarious but not nearly as accurate as Troy's impression of Abed.

TOO TRUE. In fact, I think that's exactly how they should refer to it in the up-fronts now: "Ryan Murphy's Soapbox will be getting another two seasons to abuse and emotionally scar it's audience."