
How about The Love Guru? Or Hardly Working, a Film that Time Forgot feature that starred Jerry Lewis at his most embarrassing. Even more embarrassing, I plunked down good movie to watch that thing in the theater. Of course, I was just 10 at the time…

It's movies like this…
That make me wish Mystery Science Theater 3000 was still on the air.

I thought he was Iranian. Or maybe you're just joking and you KNEW he was Iranian. Sometimes I take things too seriously.

The . . . Larch

True, it's a free country I guess. There's some things I've tried numerous times to appreciate and just can't.

Watch the damn movie again, ya putz.

Stupid kids fare…
I don't think your kids necessarily have to be 9 years old to enjoy this drek. I just started the Youtube clip above and my three-year-old IMMEDIATELY walked over and started laughing. I had to stop it after three seconds, but my little girl wanted more, more, MORE! If I didn't have a soul, I'd

I love contradictions. I'd consider myself moderate, leaning toward liberal, yet I work at a Domino's. There's no doubting the political vibe running through that place, although we're all really more worried about the bottom line and customer service more than who's president.

All I'd like to say…
…is that John Flansburgh is a dead ringer for my father, circa 1962. He at the very least could be a long-lost uncle or something. It's eerie.

The one time Stephen King scared me…
…was my reading of The Shining. I agree with Tasha Robinson, that can be a scary damn book (which I only ready because I'm a Kubrick fan and was reading all the books he made into movies). But I wasn't in a darkened room in the middle of the night. I was in the library at Witchita

Damn you Gee-Man for beating me to the punch on this sentiment!

What kind of a question is that?
"Can you imagine a world without Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, or the boy-band explosion of the Clinton era?"

Ed was a good guy, and hearing the death of anyone as nice as him is sad. But let's be honest, he was funny by proxy. Compare his work with Carson to that with Dick Clark on those "bloopers and practical jokes" shows and you'll see what I mean.

I know the avatar doesn't show it…
…but I'm also a father to a 2-year-old. I'm also a former sportswriter. I became a "former" sportswriter when I found out I was going to be a father. I didn't want to spend my child's formative years watching other parents' kids do things on the playing field, I wanted to be at home

Nope, still not up yet.

Glad to see I'm not the only one frustrated by that. For a second I thought it was the crappy Internet service we get out here in the hinterlands.

As a post-script to the Titty Terms meeting. Might I suggest "dirty pillows?"
Thanks to the Venture Bros. for that one.

Nah, she's a gay icon 'cause she's played a princess not once, but twice. Gay dudes really go for the princess types (or so I'm told).

Carson Daly is, Johnny Carson is not. He passed on last year. Try to keep up.

Good point, but then he was trying to catch up to what Letterman was doing at that time. Really, the 11 p.m. Eastern time slot (10:30 Mountain where I live) has become the place where comedy goes to die. Late late night is really where things can cook. That's why I dread what will happen to Conan once he takes over,