
They may not have perspicacity, but they're sure perspiring now. Heh heh.

If Johnny Carson were alive today, he'd be desperately clawing at the inside of his coffin. I'm sure he'd also be pissed at what Leno has done to his show.

What, "Hole in the Wall?"

Did anyone notice…
…That the girl Norm is trying to impress with the trunk whore bit is now Monk's cute assistant? Not that that means anything, I just like showing that I can recognize faces and voices.

"hosted a blandly wholesome zany-video show host in the eighties and nineties."

How about "Secretary to the Assistant Crack Whore?"

Yeah, I went to Disneyland a couple of years ago (my first visit, at 34!), and I was surprised at how much fun I actually had. Of course, we didn't have the rug rat yet at that point, so we were able to go on all the "big kid" rides without having to worry about leaving an actual kid anywhere.

"Just don't let your son/daughter watch The Disney Channel. Ever."

"I would submit that reading a paperback copy of the "Official Novelization of Howard the Duck" would buy you mad ironic hipster cred in most American cities."

Sounds like watching this show and doing meth are kind of one in the same, then.

You wanna talk old? My first film memory (in a theater) was "Young Frankenstein." My mom was eight months pregnant and about to burst with my little brother. I remember her laughing so hard that my brother was almost born right there in the theater.

My wife…
…bought this, because she buys all movies Disney. I've resisted Disney-fying my household, but with a small child in my life, I guess there's no stopping it.

A-fucking-men! And then some!

Here's a show…
I must simply start watching. I've always been on the outside looking in when it comes to HBO, simply because I'm too cheap to pony up for the extra channels on my dish TV. But AMC I get, and I should really start watching that channel again.

"The articles people write is just filler, stuff to attract people so they'll look at the ads."

I know I'm a little late in commenting on this, but as a reporter myself (and Internet editor for our publication), I don't think the PI's move straight to Internet is necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I think it's a move news"papers" have to make if they want to survive.

Ron Who? Apparently, I've got a lot of pop culture to catch up on.

The 70s, to be precise. And actually, excema and asthma would be appropriate curses.

If we're going to go into cartoons, howabout the Goliath, The Simpsons? That thing has gone for 20 years because it's been able to change with the times, picking up all the latest fads and pop culture topics. Actually, that's the problem with the show now, it's reacting more to popular culture than being the

Do you mean Will's mom? Or the mom in Bel-Aire? I can believe Will's Mom changing a lot. But that's not really the point. No matter who played who on that show, the tone was exactly the same. Will Smith was the rock center of that show, and he never wavered one bit. Thus, the show stayed EXACTLY the same.