
Maybe Daniel Day Lewis is actually a receptacle for any soul that can get into his head via a small tunnel in a tiny office building somewhere in Manhattan, and right now a dressmaker has taken control and is making the famous actor become the world's greatest fashion designer. Better than being a puppeteer, I guess….

I love that Wisconsin keeps having to look up its own name.

—"This is Star Wars, get-offa-my-lawn edition: I saw Star Wars in 1977 in the theater."

The Police, Driven to Tears. Specifically a live version that was a B-side in the early 80s. I know it from the "Message in a Box" box set. At 1:34, Andy Summers kicks in with a driving, elegant and succinct solo that is augmented by Stewart Copeland's urgent drumming. What REALLY makes the solo great, is that it's

No assigned seating actually works out pretty well. As for speakers on iPads or iPhones, I guess I've been lucky that I've never been on a flight with rude people.

I've got a pretty wide ass myself, but I've never had THAT happen to me.

This reminds me of the first Internet revolution, when everything – and I mean EVERYTHING – had to be connected to the Internet, including soda vending machines. There were other things that had no business (or need) being connected to the Internet, but that's the one that sticks out in my mind. The connection that

I was going to say something similar. We haven't seen any bad behavior from that airline, have we? At least nothing that's been turned into a viral video. Of course, now that I've typed that, we're going to see a video surface of a Southwest Airlines attendant kicking an old man in the groin because that man wouldn't

Yeah, I saw that version of Macbeth in high school, too. I couldn't believe we were allowed to, given the puritanical nature of our teacher. Actually, my views on her changed a lot after we watched that. Even with the rape, murder and mayhem in the film, it was a superbly adapted and easy to follow film, allowing me

An Allman Brothers Band offshoot. Can't beat the classics.

OK, I'll give you that. They can't hold a candle to the Allman Brothers Band, Lynrd Skynrd, early Charlie Daniels, 38 Special, Stevie Ray Vaughan . . . wow. A lot of those people are dead.

“Like any decent person, I don’t like the Black Crowes?" Fuck you, Mike Vago. Fuck you.

That's a hard rule!

Again, just call it "everything else." It's a great catch-all term.

Riiiight. Although I seem to remember it being called "Three-Cornered Pitney." Or was that just in the rules to 43 Man Squamish? I don't remember. Actually, the only thing I DO remember is "My uncle is sick, but the street is green."

I personally use the term "everything else" – that is, everything besides jazz, country and blues – when referring to pop music. It's too goddamned hard to pigeonhole everything.

STOP! The law has been broken!
(rattling of chains)
(Cue the next House of Pain track)

Actually, that's Vonage, but we're splitting hairs here.


How about the Firebird Suite. Yes used it as intro music in the 70s (as heard on Yessongs)