
And now I realize in my above snarky comment, I couldn't even spell "Futurerana" correctly.

Do you mean "Futurama?" Or is there a Futererana show out there I should know about?

An alternative inventory…
Almost all shows change, that's the way things go. How about those shows that somehow resist the intevitable tide of time and go out exactly the way they came in? Shows that were cancelled after only one or two (or no) seasons don't count. We're talking shows that go at least five years.

Closest to a firstie I'll ever get…
By my count, it's the fourth comment. What is that, a fourthsie? God, my life is sad.

Frankly, I like the fact these comments aren't coming fast and furious. I only have so many hours in the day to read them, people.

Wow, just reading this review put me to sleep. I guess I won't be watching this one, and I used to watch EVERYTHING starring Harrison Ford. Of course, I haven't seen Firewall, either, and I have no desire to.

HUGE timewaster…
But I love it.
Band name: Josh Hazlewood (could actually be a solo artist, actually a cricket player in New Zealand
Album name: Lunchtime Doubly So (the end of a Douglas Adams quote, bonus!)

Keep in mind he also played Moses AND the Voice Of God in that SKG Dreamworks animated film "The Prince of Egypt." The guy would have a direct line to the Man Upstairs. Top that!

"I know. It all sounds like some bad movie."
—Sugar Tits

"Dr. Moreau's island quickly descended into anarchy after Kilmer took over. New Mexicans beware!"

"Diane Denish is everyone's problem. That's because every time she goes to the statehouse, she's unsafe."
— Fighter Hayabusa

"There's a NEW Mexico?"
— Bender Rodriguez

Hell, I MADE my own books. Cut out the cartoons and stapled them together. That was when I was in junior high and only got a tenth of the political references, too.

What the hell…
…is an "an electrono-optical bench," anyway? It sounds painful to your ocular orbs (unless you're Norwegian, I guess).

I seem to remember an AV Club feature which investigated a number of short burning flames that flared out after very intense popularity (like Miami Vice). Boston was included, and for good reason. The second Boston album isn't that great, the third worse, and their fourth is horrible. I know all this because I have

Sweet Jesus, he's trying to sing the blues? How many types of entertainment can this man ruin? How many careers? How many hours of my life?

Actually, now that I've read the actual article, a LOT of things are flooding back to me about this film, not the least of which is the DeNiro-Thurman sex scene (which I later duplicated, albeit without Thurman or DeNiro). Damn! Why does sex permeate every single one of my memories!?

Shrug, eh?
I saw this on video shortly after it had been released. I supposed "shrug" is the appropriate word. I remember being impressed with the visuals, and I though DeNiro's performance as a no-luck cop was pretty good. Murray, in my book, has always been misunderstood when he tries to do anything approaching

And now for the most incongruous celebrity death, Skip Carey (son of Harry Carey, long-time broadcaster for Atlanta Braves baseball), also died this weekend. He was about as anti-soulful as you could get, but he's still a celebrity, at least to those who grew up listening to his broadcasts on WTBS.

Wait, this skit isn't actually on the DVD? I WAS thinking of purchasing it, now . . . . never mind.