
Frankly, this is exactly how I feel about . . . (cue the long line of furious fans ready to rip my throat out with their teeth) . . . Bruce Springsteen. I know a lot of people like him, I don't doubt his musical chops, and I've given him chance after chance in my record collection, but I just can't seem to enjoy his

By the way, having the first reply to an actual first comment is probably the closest to a 'first' I'll ever get in my entire life. Now that I've over-used the word 'first', I'll shut up now.

You're not alone if you've ignored Dylan and lived to regret it. Face it, there's SO MUCH music out there, there's no way any one person can possibly have heard it all. I've been sacrificing listening to the latest music out there to fill in some major gaps in my music collection, and Bob Dylan (Blonde on Blonde in

Ah-hah! I knew I wasn't dreaming that I had heard that! I'm going to YouTube right now!

The Cos!
Say what you will about Cosby's later work, but he could be pretty funky when he wanted to. That Hikky Burr is sure goofy, but with Quincy Jones laying down some funky grooves, it doesn't quite get goofy to the point of just being downright stupid. Hell, that may be an album I have to get.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Peter Sellers also cover the Beatles' "She Loves You" as Dr. Strangelove? I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that on a long-ago broadcast of Dr. Demento in my hazy days of youth. Anyone out there able to help me out on this one?

How about teenagers that thought Huey and the News were cool? I was 14 when I saw this movie, and was in the throes of Lewis-worship over Sports along with the rest of the country. I don't care what anybody else says, thinks or feels, that album is pretty damn good.

Second, too…
Having claimed "firsties," allow me to suggest Frank Zappa's "Over-Nite Sensation." I'm not saying anything about the music (I own it, after all, so I certainly think it's good) but it seems he was trying just a bit too hard with the crazy imagery.

Could it be?
That I'm actually first for once? Possibly because I'm the only reader that truly cares about bad prog-rock album cover art. Yeah, I'm a geek to the bitter end.

The photos are working and I wish they weren't now! Why did you have to put that brain-searing image of Rosie in the damned bustier (however the fuck you spell it) right up top? Dear God! I have to find the nearest eye-wash station now!

OH! I get it, I am vs. I was. Anyway…..

If I may state, no one will ever be better than Letterman, circa 1982-1990. Not even Letterman today can beat him. The 80s really were a Golden Age for late night talk shows, and it all came to a crashing and tragic end when Johnny left. Everyone who came after (INCLUDING Letterman) fell over themselves so much to

I'm really happy Nathan Rabin is willing to jump on grenades like this one and mine it for all the comedic gold it's worth. This is why I could never be a critic - oh the crazy and crappy shit you have to slog through to find the diamond. My sould would be a barren wasteland if I had to do it, and I'm just not up to

Terrific feature
I've always wanted to read these books and experience them completely divorced from the films, knowing they'd be completely different from anything Hollywood came up with. I actually know someone who has every single Ian Fleming book, in hardcover, but haven't gotten around to borrowing them. I envy

What constitutes a "Flop?"
For a movie to be considered a "flop," shouldn't it be in the theater for at least a month or so? If no one has ever heard of the film (such as this one), then how can it be a flop? I would think movies witha grandiose amount of money, advertising and hype attached to it should qualify, end

Bad timing…
I see Senor Rabin has made up for posting late the last few times by posting several hours EARLY this time, thus relegating my witty comments to the 100s, rather than within the first 20. Still, here's my comments, whether you want them or not.

The Braves of old…
I suppose, with TBS having once broadcasted EVERY single game the Braves played year in and year out, coupled with the team's magical rise to National League dominance in the 90s, just damn near everyone has become a Braves fan, so being one isn't all that unique.

Baseball and movies…
They're my two favorite things in the world, two things which I've found coexist quite naturally. I agree with Nathan's sentiment that baseball is the art film of the sports world. Those who think it's a boring sport/film style are too out of touch with subtleties to understand its beauty.

Leigh Brackett…
The first time I heard of Brackett was when she was hired by George Lucas to write a first draft the Empire Strikes Back screenplay, then croaked as soon as she finished it. I've read that screenplay â the actual screenplay typed by Brackett, not some copy - along with notes from Big George

A chance to comment within the first 20 posts and I have absolutely nothing to say about this film, except to say my suckiness radar blared loudly when I first saw the previews for this film. Is it really so surprising this movie tanked so badly?