Imma Lawyer

Gaslamp Village or GTFO

How dare these unfashionable people politely indulge this guy and do what he is asking them.

She leans on the bugged out eyes like Lars Ulrich does on the ride cymbal.

That the high point of SNL's political comedy post-2000 is Tina Fey as Sarah Palin tells you pretty much everything you need to know on that subject. It wasn't unfunny, it was just … easy; a goofy accent pretty much anybody can do and mildly tweaking things that Palin actually said. The audience reaction sought was

Ambush comedy like this misses the point that how the target reacts is the most important thing. Just acting like a semi-crazy person in their presence and having them barely react is … something, I guess, but not particularly funny.

I'm so glad we've elevated "trolling" to a sacred art form.

Everybody complains about tightly scripted promos, but the Enzo and Cass segment on the special shows that it's really crappy writing that's mostly to blame. Enzo and Cass (or their writer) clearly scripted out most of what they wanted to say with that, and it was much better than the unscripted remarks of pretty

This seems like it's more about them than him, so I don't approve.

Keeps hack journalists occupied with the media Twitter circle jerk they falsely believe is important instead inflicting the public with another think piece?

But it's so feministy to surround herself with her #squad of underwear models.

It's come to this. Who's got dibs on the MeUndies live read?

It's just anti-rockist course over-correction.

Yeah, but 'Mania 31 and the Royal Rumble '15 Triple Threat …

"only population more unwashed and deranged, the local Florida men."

I immediately gave up on Beats 1 Radio when I heard a clip of Zane Lowe gushing about Halsey as a "new icon" as that song played out. That is some fuckin' junior high level poetry on that song right there.

Not only that, but he left after like 15 minutes.

I have never understood the praise for that one or for Billy Corben's other 30 for 30, "Broke." Both are just overlong and needlessly repetitive and the 3 second bursts of chest up shots of guys speaking directly into the camera are numbing after a while. And I LIKE Corben's "Cocaine Cowboys"! "The U" also had a

Interesting to me that the "30 for 30" series has gone completely over to subjects that have been vastly over-covered, while MLB Network recently premiered a doc on a worthy subject that has been under-covered or is worthy of reappraisal (Mark Fidrych). I mean, is it really worth repeating the same narrative about

I liked the first season, but I really wish the first episode of season 2 had done some hand-holding in terms of plot updates. Maybe I'm just getting older, but I couldn't remember who half the people were.

Hagiographic documentaries, "news" headlines that are endorsements … I feel like I'm going to start getting notifications on my cell phone pretty soon about how much I should be appreciating Kathleen Hanna's work product.