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O-ver-ra-ted … clap clap clapclapclap.

Ready, Willing and Betty Grable.

Why did we spend the last six months hearing about Jared Leto sending castmates used condoms and Margot Robbie giving people prison tats?

Uhh, yeah, this *might* be a work.

The guy who played Gareth from The Office (UK) was also on that show. The one bit I remember him doing was playing on "Out Run" arcade cabinet with a mixed drink in hand and calling it the "Henri Paul Driving Simulator".

Shades of Maroon 5 rising from the ashes of Kara's Flowers.

That excerpt confirms my suspicion that this book will probably be 50 percent anecdotes she's already talked about on Howard Stern.

Even in '99, the "twist" of the aggressively homophobic ex-military guy turning out to be gay was groan-worthy and killed whatever the movie had going for it before that moment.

Can't wait for his inevitable "Guy Fieri makes crappy food and is a douche" bit.

Sorry, still not gonna hate-watch.

I started listening to the Manson series a couple months after having read Jeff Gunn's Manson: The Life and Times of Charles Manson (which came out a year prior) and had to stop after a few episodes. The tossed off editorializing wasn't enough to differentiate it.

A lot of the hair bands weren't much different than 70s hard rock bands other than the clothes and maybe some screechy, theatrical vocals. I mean, how is Great White considered a hair band other than the era they became popular? Their biggest hits could have been on a Grand Funk Railroad album.

Dare I say … masterful?

I like them and their show but, sorry, that season 2 Hillary commercial episode was unforgivable.

Oh completely. I actually re-watched "Pacific Heights" fairly recently. Not great by any stretch, but eminently watchable. Worth it just for the scene of Michael Keaton making out with Tippi Hedren, who is not actually playing the mom of her daughter starring in the movie.

I wouldn't want to revisit any of his books, but I'll always appreciate Critchton for providing stuff I devoured in seventh and eighth grade.

I've heard it referred to as Yuppies In Peril. They're still making 'em … Jason Bateman's "The Gift" from last year probably qualifies.

This show made me feel sorry for Amy Poehler.

He actually says "Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne," which is even sillier given the delivery you mentioned. EDIT: Oh wait, it looks like there are trailers with different takes of that scene … one "My God"-ed, one JC'ed. Either way the final cut will betray one vision.

I guess I have to respect the effort to keep some aspect of the park's legacy, but you're right … looking at my childhood photos the character statues looked pretty worn even in the early '80s. Maybe I'll take my kids up there in a couple years and replicate the photos. Anyway, thanks for responding!