Imma Lawyer

Has there really been an "argument" over the potential real life inspiration of a book that maybe a couple thousand people have bought?

I have a distinct memory of being in a sub shop/pool hall in my relatively small Florida hometown in '94 and seeing the local version of Jim Anchower or Todd from "Beavis and Butthead" watch about 30 seconds of the "Basket Case" video in absolute horror and disgust.  He clearly knew that his generation's moment had

I have a distinct memory of being in a sub shop/pool hall in my relatively small Florida hometown in '94 and seeing the local version of Jim Anchower or Todd from "Beavis and Butthead" watch about 30 seconds of the "Basket Case" video in absolute horror and disgust.  He clearly knew that his generation's moment had

All right all right … so check this out. For *me*, this last season was not one of Randy's best performances. I don't know if it's the right direction for him. [audience half-heartedly boos] [forced laughter] But Randy is still in it to win it.  I could listen to him judge the phone book.  At the end of the day this

All right all right … so check this out. For *me*, this last season was not one of Randy's best performances. I don't know if it's the right direction for him. [audience half-heartedly boos] [forced laughter] But Randy is still in it to win it.  I could listen to him judge the phone book.  At the end of the day this

Pitchfork has a similar feature to this, and did one with Naomi from Galaxie 500. She described the fact that her first show was Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden as not only embarassing, but a "nightmare."  She's about 45 or so.  Some people can never give it a rest, I guess.

Pitchfork has a similar feature to this, and did one with Naomi from Galaxie 500. She described the fact that her first show was Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden as not only embarassing, but a "nightmare."  She's about 45 or so.  Some people can never give it a rest, I guess.

No mention of the "Teen Mom" series finale? Jesus wept.

No mention of the "Teen Mom" series finale? Jesus wept.

Probably not, because the interest in this is miniscule compared to Moore's movies. "Fahrenheit 9/11" won the Palme d'Or at Cannes, grossed 100 million at the box office, etc. etc.

Probably not, because the interest in this is miniscule compared to Moore's movies. "Fahrenheit 9/11" won the Palme d'Or at Cannes, grossed 100 million at the box office, etc. etc.

Man, between this and the associated Budweiser commercials featuring Jay-Z's voiceover about the philosophical underpinnings of the festival, they are really working overtime to establish the narrative as something other than "Festivals make money right now. Let's do one."

Man, between this and the associated Budweiser commercials featuring Jay-Z's voiceover about the philosophical underpinnings of the festival, they are really working overtime to establish the narrative as something other than "Festivals make money right now. Let's do one."

The inability to make that determination is common amongst the sheeple, gee-man.

The inability to make that determination is common amongst the sheeple, gee-man.

While you mock Mustaine, a group of 500 academics, architects and engineers has signed a petition stating that they do not believe the official account of the so-called "Batman Shootings."  You really need to check out the online documentary "Bane's  in Vain," which exposes that this was a false flag operation with

While you mock Mustaine, a group of 500 academics, architects and engineers has signed a petition stating that they do not believe the official account of the so-called "Batman Shootings."  You really need to check out the online documentary "Bane's  in Vain," which exposes that this was a false flag operation with

Yeah, that was the other thought I had. And given the kind of guy Yauch was, there's a decent chance that he simply gave away the bulk of his fortune to charity prior to his death.

Yeah, that was the other thought I had. And given the kind of guy Yauch was, there's a decent chance that he simply gave away the bulk of his fortune to charity prior to his death.

Nope, that's the exact thought I had. I figured "Licensed to Ill" royalties alone would have netted him more cash than that.