Electric Barbarella

She looks like she needs to go potty.

This just shows that old people can not drive.

Are lesbians going to be offended by this, or will they rally to support shows that support their sexuality?  Does this support their sexuality?  Now the right wing can stop watching TV on NBC all together.  Right wingers take note, tv supports soft drugs like weed and alternative lifestyles, ie gay marriage. 

David  Cross, are you reading these comments.  If you are, I have two words for you, "not funny".

He and Foxwarty spent a weekend in the desert tripping on payote.  When they were peaking Hicks told Foxwarty that he had always wanted to host a game show based on the stupidity of adults.  He was going to call it, are you smarter than Larry the Cable Guy.  I guess Foxwarty is fulfilling a dream for Hicks afterall.

I never knew Mozart was so depraved.  This is a very weird combination of acts.  Now I must go and lick mine ochen arshen.


Sooooo, they could feed the somalies, but they choose to buy a couple pounds of chronic.

There is a satchute of limitations on sexual assalt because if you can't prove it happened in a certain amount of years who cares anyway.  We wouldn't want DNA evidence to convict sexual predators.  We would rather put people in prison for stealing a loaf of bread!


How ironic that his character on Lost is an alcoholic.  WTF?   Lost imitates life.  On another note, the end of that show sucks just as much as his right hook.  He got knocked the fuck down  by a lady bus driver. 

I actually love reading the problems more than reading his advice. Sometimes I think he uses the column for his political motivations more than "helping" his readers. However, on the whole I find the column extremely entertaining. Also, some people (gay or otherwise) really get their panties twisted over other

Battlecar! Nice.

Look, he's just not that into you.

I think part of the intensity of the show comes from wondering what ridiculous idiotic stupid thing Jesse is going to do today. Will he sell drugs to a cop? Will he shoot himself? Will he totally annoy me the whole show, yes, yes, yes…

Rock and Roll MAC Donalds, Rock and Roll MAC Donalds!

I know right? What the hell is wrong with these "fans"? I really don't care that they make a stupid show, I just feel kind of dirty for being a part of a society that likes fart jokes on every episode. I like a good fart joke now and then, but how many fart jokes is too many?

Definately just someone too bored to live any longer
This poor sap just needs to get a life.

If you are bored with the listings, my tip is to just go to search and go through the alphabet. I just start with A and work my way through it until I find a keeper.

In your pants