Electric Barbarella

They should improve the system so that you can actually watch the show you are trying to view. "YOUR internet connection has slowed".

Am I the only person in the world that has never been to a strip club? I would totally dance to NIN Closer, if I was a stripper.

True story
My friends came to visit me via train on a Sunday in Chicago. There is nothing open on Sunday, except TGI Fridays. So thank you TGI Fridays, because my feet were tired and I was hungry. You satisfied my need for beer and fried food.
I would like to claim, however, that I only eat corporate food when

Hard to hear without thinking of you
There are certain songs that remind you of good things in life, and bad. The Lewis song will forever be coupled to American Psycho for me, and that makes me feel very uncomfortable.
New topic-songs that are ruined because of when you heard them…

Wait, wasn't he partying with Farley before his death too, or am I remembering that incorrectly?

The name says it all
Well why can't a guy with Dick as his last name whip it out? Sometimes a dick just needs some air.

They always give the "bro hug" after they kill somebody. "We just killed this guy, hugs!" And what was up with them two havin sex right next to a dead guy? I mean, go into the living room, away from the dead dude bleeding on the floor! I give it a 3.5 out of 5.0, though, not a bad show.

That cake was for EVERYONE!

I love the cameo in Zombieland. How cool was that? Huh? HUH?!

Hey, don't be mad just cuz she wouldn't fuck you with a 10 foot rake.

Because there is this cheaper version of things called the internet.

All I have to say is fuck Shrek and the donkey he rode in on. That's right, fuck you Mike Myers!

Why God? Why is his head too large for his body? Why is he simultaneously annoying and informative, much like a vagina pad commercial.

Bullet with Butterfly Wings is a great song. I think at the time, the release of a double album as a follow up to "Dream" was a bold move, very atypical of the genre. Basically, it would never have happened without the success of "Dream". However, like most follow-ups to huge albums, it was disappointing to the

am an FBI agent!

Face, body, face, body…


At a Ween show, this douche kept screaming," Reggae Junkie Jew" over and over. Finally Mickey stopped and told him, in a polite dad voice, that they have a huge catalog and they can't play every song. However, they did play some other songs on request, obviously because the person that asked for it wasn't a

It's not, except that they were recorded by someone famous. I think the fact that they knew all the lyrics really redeemed their actions, which were not really that bad for drunks 20somethings.

My head just literally exploded.