Electric Barbarella

Days of Our lives had a main character who was possessed by demons or some stupid shit, and that show is still on the air. I guess you have a point.

Lost finale=Twin Peaks finale. They were both interesting shows that did not have an exit strategy and left the long time viewer with more questions than answers. Mostly, like why the fuck did I spend so much time watching this show for this STUPID FUCKING ENDING!

Family Cremation
My favorite new commercial locally is for a cremation facility. It's called (Name) Family Cremation. They have TV and radio coverage. They have a jingle that could be used to sell hardware or plumbing. It is so funny and sweet, "(Name) Family Cremation, helping your family with affordable

Trump, you sir are an asshole.

I would rather watch Judge Judy.

Coke and tits. Lots of coke and big tits.

Make sure you eat your "tracer" foods.

Oh thank you
I just needed to forget about the real crap happening right now. I need to be distracted. Distracted me harder…

How about getting her a push mower for a push present. You might sleep on the couch, but it would be a lot funnier than that stupid ugly pendant.

Yeah, just look at Charlie Sheen!

Please to explain why she is getting a speaking engagement? Who the fuck watches that show. It's simply excruciating. Tried to watch it "ironically" and had to turn that shit off. I just have a very low tolerance for vacuous douchebags. Plus, my friends and I can get drunk and act like assholes on our own, thank

Kudos to you Dr, for taking that hosing "like a man". Most people take themselves very seriously, and you, sir, are not one of those folks. (I assume you are a woman, but who knows.) Post or don't post, who really gives a fuck. Don't we ALL have something better to do?

Court of the Crimson King for me, please. Classical trippy.

What about Anthony Kedis for the front? Not that he would be interested, just saying, he could pull off the catalog. I saw Hagar (for free) and it was a good show, I have to say, very entertaining. I love rock music and I was drunk as hell so that might have been why I also enjoyed seeing MC Hammer…

There are other sites for this trite bullshit. Take it over there please, Debbie Downer.

Is there any way he could sue to get money and it not be greedy? Should he just say, oh, I have enough money now, so you can have it. Even though the whole movie was his "art" and the creative side is traditionally shorted? What if he gives the money to charity, would that make you happy? What if he just tips the

DDDDDD! Oh wait, can I be on top? Will there be compensation?

He totally rocked those dolphins.

Sorry dunk, the mullet is alive and well here in my "neck of the woods". Shit, my town sucks. And I believe that skinny jeans are this gens answer to pegged jeans, did you know blue eye shadow is back "in". Fashion is cyclical.

I can't spell fuck shit piss…damn it.